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Biofouling Integrative characterizatiOn & Description of HYdrodynamic Loadings


The current trend is to limit or eliminate cleaning operations in farms in order to preserve their reef effect, and thus reduce their environmental impact, while drastically limiting maintenance costs. This is only possible if the phenomenon of biocolonisation is sufficiently understood to be anticipated.
A focus on mooring lines and dynamic cables seems essential, as these key components are presumed to have different hydromechanical behaviour and therefore different wear once colonised. As biocolonisation can vary according to environmental conditions, it is also necessary to characterise biofouling at the sites of future wind, wave and tidal farms.

Funding :

ANR (France 2030) and financial support from the Brittany, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire and SUD PACA regions.

Short Overview:

Gaining a better understanding of biofouling, the characteristics of the organisms that make it up, its evolution over time and the environmental parameters that influence it
Identifying the most reliable and robust techniques and protocols for accurately characterising biofouling automatically in order to model its effects

Involved MAPIEM members :

Partners :

France Energie Marine (Leader)
EDF renouvelables
Total Energies

Laboratoire MAPIEM (UR 4323) - https://mapiem.univ-tln.fr/The-current-trend-is-to-limit-or-eliminate.html - mapiem@univ-tln.fr