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Atomic Force Microscope (BRUKER AXS - multimode 8)

AFM microscopy provides high resolution 2D and 3D images by scanning a physical sharp probe over a sample surface. The microscope has several scanning modes available: Tapping mode, Contact mode and PeakForce QNM (Quantitative NanoMechanics). The latest one (PF-QNM) enables quantitative measurements of nano-scale material properties such as modulus, adhesion, deformation and dissipation.

Our AFM microscope is equipped with a Thermal Analysis accessory (Nano-TA), which allows to locally characterize the thermal behavior of materials.

The analysis can be done on many types of samples: metals, polymer, composite, adsorbed molecules, thin films, biofilms and cells. AFM manipulations can be released in ambient and liquid environments.


 2D and 3D topography observation with very high resolution
 Surface roughness measurement (Rq, Ra, max. z range 4 µm)
 Simultaneous topography, adhesive, mechanical and deformation mappings
 Thermal mapping (Tg, Tm) of the surface
 Characterization of adhesion and friction properties at the nanoscale

Laboratoire MAPIEM (UR 4323) - https://mapiem.univ-tln.fr/Atomic-Force-Microscope-BRUKER-AXS-multimode-8.html - mapiem@univ-tln.fr