BRESSY Christine
Status: Professor
Research Axis: Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Polymers for Marine Antifouling Systems (PMAS)
Research Topics
- Synthesis and characterization of seawater hydrolyzable/degradable polymers
- Controlled Radical Polymerization: RAFT process
- Surface and bulk properties of coatings
- Marine antifouling coatings: Self-polishing and Fouling Release Coatings
- Biopolymers and biosourced polymers
- Synthesis of polymers
- Structure-property relationships of organic materials
- Thermal properties of organic materials
- Wettability of surfaces
- Chromatographic analyses
- Adhesives
- Antifouling Coatings
Scientific Productions:
Publications :
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, López-Rosales Lorenzo, García-Camacho Francisco, Bressy Christine, Molina-Grima Emilio, Cerón-García Maria Carmen
Preventing biofouling in microalgal photobioreactors
Bioresource Technology (2024) 407, 131125 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Macías-de la Rosa Adrian,García-Abad Lucia, Lopez-Rosales Lorenzo, Maza-Marquez Paula, García-Camacho Francisco, Bressy Christine, Ceron-García Maria Carmen, Molina-Grima Emilio
Transparent antibiofouling coating to improve the efficiency of Nannochloropsis gaditana and Chlorella sorokiniana culture photobioreactors at the pilot-plant scale
Chemosphere (2024) 347, 140669. -
- PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Gourlaouen Elliot, Zeriouh Ouassim, Cerón-García Maria del Carmen, Arrabal-Campos Francisco M, Ruiz-Martínez Cristina, Fernández Ignacio, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio, Bressy christine
Role of dynamic surface tension of silicone polyether surfactant-based silicone coatings on protein adsorption: An insight on the ‘ambiguous’ interfacial properties of Fouling Release Coatings
Progress in Organic Coatings (2024) 186, 108079. -
- PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, García-Abad Lucia, Cerón-García Maria del Carmen, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, Bressy Christine, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio
Long-lasting biofouling formation on transparent fouling-release coatings for the construction of efficient closed photobioreactors
Biofouling (2023) 39, 483-501. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Védie Elora, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Senez Vincent, Berglin Mathias, Stenlund Patrick, Brisset Hugues, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François
Influence of sharklet-inspired micropatterned polymers on spatio-temporal variations of marine biofouling
Macromolecular Bioscience (2022) e2200304 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Physical Chemistry Mechanics and Durability of Materials - PMAS - IIA
E. Guazzelli, M. Oliva, C. Pretti, G. Monni, A. Fahs, C. Bressy, E. Martinelli
Polyethylene glycol-b-poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) hydrolyzable block copolymers for eco-friendly self-polishing marine coatings
Polymers (2022), 14, 4589, -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Briand Jean-François, Pollet Thomas, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Lejars Marlène, Maintenay Marine, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Portas Aurélie, Ghiglione Jean-François, Bressy Christine
Surface Characteristics Together With Environmental Conditions Shape Marine Biofilm Dynamics in Coastal NW Mediterranean Locations
Frontiers in Marine Science (2022) 8, 746383 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Grilli Lucas, Casset Fabrice, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Colin Mikael
Development, Optimization, Biological Assays, and In Situ Field Immersion of a Transparent Piezoelectric Vibrating System for Antifouling Applications
Actuators (2022) 11, 47 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Lafond Sandra, Davy Romain, Florence Mazeas, Tanguy Brigitte, Martin Claire, Horatius Lydia, Anton Charlène, Quiniou Françoise, Compère Chantal
What governs marine fouling assemblages on chemically-active antifouling coatings?
Progress in Organic Coatings (2022) 164, 106701 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Védie Elora, Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-François, Bressy Christine
Bioinspiration and microtopography as non-toxic strategies for marine bioadhesion control
Advanced Materials Interfaces (2021) 8, 2100994 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Siloxy silylester methacrylate diblock copolymer-based coatings with tunable erosion and marine antifouling properties
ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2020) 2, 8, 3291–3300 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms
Peigneguy Fanny, Cougnon Charles, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Bressy Christine, Gohier Frédéric
Antifouling Activities of Immobilized Ferrocenyl Glucose on a Glassy Carbon Surface
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 29, 33370–33376 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Guazzelli Elisa, Martinelli Elisa, Pelloquet Lucile, Briand Jean-François, Margaillan André, Bunet Robert, Galli Giancarlo, Bressy Christine
Amphiphilic hydrolyzable polydimethylsiloxane-b-poly(ethyleneglycol methacrylate-co-trialkylsilyl methacrylate) block copolymers for marine coatings. II. Antifouling laboratory tests and field trials.
Biofouling (2020) 36(4), 378-388 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Guazzelli Elisa, Galli Giancarlo, Martinelli Elisa, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Amphiphilic hydrolyzable polydimethylsiloxane-b-poly(ethyleneglycol methacrylate-co-trialkylsilyl methacrylate) block copolymers for marine coatings. I. Synthesis, hydrolysis and surface wettability.
Polymer (2020) 186, 121954. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Catao Elisa, Pollet Thomas, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Ghiglione Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Maintenay Marine, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François
Shear stress as a major driver of marine biofilm communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea
Frontiers in Microbiology (2019) 10, 1768. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01768 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Xie Qingyi, Zeng Haohang, Peng Qingmei, Bressy Christine, Ma Chunfeng, Zhang Guangzhao
Self‐stratifying silicone coating with nonleaching antifoulant for marine anti‐biofouling
Advanced Materials Interfaces (2019) 6, 1900535. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Peigneguy Fanny, Allain Magali, Cougnon Charles, Frère Pierre, Siegler Benjamin, Bressy Christine, Gohier Frédéric
Syntheses and NMR and XRD studies of carbohydrate–ferrocene conjugates
New Journal of Chemistry (2019) 43, 9706-9710. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Gevaux Laure, Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Briand Jean-François, Bunet Robert, Bressy Christine
Hydrolyzable additive-based silicone elastomers: a new approach of antifouling coatings
Polymers (2019) 11, 305. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Duong The Hy, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Thermal degradation of hydroxyalkylated poly(dimethylsiloxane)s and poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate) based block copolymers synthesized by RAFT polymerization
Polymer Degradation and Stability (2019) 164, 136-144. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Gevaux Laure, Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Water erodible coatings based on a hydrolyzable PDMS/polyester network
Materials Today Communications (2018) 17, 517-526. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Nguema Edzang Ronald W. Duong The Hy, Briand Jean-François, Lejars Marlène, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues
Bacterial anti-adhesion activity based on the electrochemical properties of polymethacrylates bearing ferrocenyl pendant groups
Biofouling (2018) 34(9), 1055-1063. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Sandra Marceaux, Claire Martin, André Margaillan, Christine Bressy
Effects of accelerated ageing conditions on the mechanism of chemically-active antifouling coatings
Progress in Organic Coatings (2018) 125, 257-265. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Pochon Xavier, Wood Susie, Bressy Christine, Garnier Cédric, Réhel Karine, Urvois Félix, Culioli Gérald, Zaiko Anastasija
Metabarcoding and metabolomics offer complementarity in deciphering marine eukaryotic biofouling community shifts
Biofouling (2018) 34, 657-672. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Duong The Hy, Frère Pierre, Gohier Frédéric, Leriche Philippe, Bressy Christine
96X screen-printed gold electrode platform to evaluate electroactive polymers as marine antifouling coatings
Analytical Chemistry (2018) 90, 4978-4981. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Fanny Peigneguy, Sylvie Dabos- Seignon, Pierre Frère, Christine Bressy, Frédéric Gohier, Charles Cougnon
Preparation and study of a carbohydrated carbon surface by electrochemical oxidation of beta-D-(4-aminophenoxy)glucopyranose
Electrochemistry Communications (2018) 93, 175-179. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Quang Trung Pham, Van Dung Le, Thi Bich Viet Nguyen, Christine Bressy, André Margaillan
Synthesis and characterization of random and block-random diblock silylated terpolymers via RAFT polymerization
Asian Journal of Chemistry (2018) 50, 1125-1130. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Xie Qingyi, Ma chunfeng, Zhang Guangzhao, Bressy Christine
Poly(ester)-Poly(silyl methacrylate) copolymers: synthesis and hydrolytic degradation kinetics
Polymer Chemistry (2018) 9, 1448-1455. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Minh Ngoc Nguyen, André Margaillan, Quang Trung Pham, Christine Bressy
RAFT polymerization of tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate: kinetic study and determination of rate coefficients
Polymers (2018) 10, 224. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Barani Aude, Garnier Cédric, Réhel Karine, Urvois Félix, Le Poupon Christophe, Bouchez Agnès, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
Spatio-temporal variations of marine biofilm communities colonizing artificial substrata including antifouling coatings in contrasted coastal environments
Microbial Ecology (2017) 74, 585-598. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - SISYF - IIA
El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane, Puymege Aurore, Duong The Hy, Van Overtvelt Perrine, Bressy Christine, Belec Lénaïk, Dufrêne Yves F., Molmeret Maëlle
Phenotypic heterogeneity in attachment of marine bacteria towards antifouling copolymers unraveled by AFM
Frontier in Microbiology (2017) 8, article 1399 -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Faye Djibril, Duong The Hy, Vieitez Inmaculada, Gohier Frédéric, Brisset Hugues, Frère Pierre, Briand Jean-François, Leriche Philippe, Bressy Christine
Electroactive polyacrylates bearing linear conjugated systems based on EDOT moieties
Polymer (2017) 117, 17-24. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - SISYF
Andjouh Sofyane, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves
RAFT polymerization of Bromotyramine-based 4-acryloyl-1,2,3- triazole: A Functional Monomers and Polymers Family through Click Chemistry
RCS Advances (2016) 6(18), 14496-14504. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Pavlovic Drazen, Lafond Sandra, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Facile synthesis of graft copolymers of controlled architecture. Copolymerization of fluorinated and non-fluorinated poly(dimethylsiloxane) macromonomers with trialkylsilyl methacrylates using RAFT polymerization
Polymer Chemistry (2016) 7, 2652-2664. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
RAFT-synthesized polymers based on new ferrocenyl methacrylates and electrochemical properties
RSC Advances (2015) 5, 77019-77026. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Duong The Hy, Briand Jean-François, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Polysiloxane-Based BlocCopolymers with Marine Bacterial Anti-Adhesion Properties
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2015) 7(28), 15578-15586. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Buga Mihaela-Ramona, Zaharia Cătălin, Bălan Mihai, Bressy Christine, Ziarelli Fabio, Margaillan André
Surface modification of silk fibroin fibers with poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(tributylsilyl methacrylate) via RAFT polymerization for marine applications
Materials Science & Engineering: C Materials for Biological Applications (2015) 51, 233-241. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Baldissera Alessandra F., de Miranda Karine L., Bressy Christine, Martin Claire, Margaillan André, Ferreira Carlos A.
Using conducting polymers as active agents for marine antifouling paints
Materials Research (2015) 18(6), 1129-1139. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Lejars Marlène
Marine Fouling: An Overview
Journal of Ocean Technology (2014) 9(4), 19-28. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Marceaux Sandra, Bressy Christine, Perrin François-Xavier, Martin Claire, Margaillan André
Development of polyorganosilazane–silicone marine coatings
Progress in Organic Coatings (2014) 77(11), 1919-1928. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Camps Mercedes, Barani Aude, Gregori Gérald, Bouchez Agnès, LeBerre Brigitte, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves, Briand Jean-François
Antifouling coatings influence both abundance and community structure of colonizing biofilms: A case study in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea
Applied Environmental Microbiology (2014) 80(16), 8421-8431. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Hellio Claire, Nguyen Minh Ngoc, Tanguy Brigitte, Maréchal Jean-Philippe, Margaillan André
Optimized silyl ester diblock methacrylic copolymers: A new class of binders for chemically active antifouling coatings
Progress in Organic Coatings (2014) 77(3), 665-673. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Duong The Hy, Bressy Christine, Margaillan André
Well-defined diblock copolymers of poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) synthesized by RAFT polymerization
Polymer (2014) 55(1), 39-47. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Synthesis and characterization of diblock and statistical copolymers based on hydrolyzable siloxy silylester methacrylate monomers
Polymer Chemistry (2014) 5(6), 2109-2117. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Well-defined graft copolymers of tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate and poly(dimethylsiloxane) macromonomers synthesized by RAFT polymerization
Polymer Chemistry (2013) 4(11), 3282-3292. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Ngo Van Giang, Margaillan André, Villain Sylvie, Leroux christine, Bressy Christine
Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles with tunable size and surface hydroxylation
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2013) 15(1), 1-15. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Ngo Van Giang, Margaillan André
A first insight into the thermal degradation mechanism of silylated methacrylic homopolymers synthesized via the RAFT process
Polymer Degradation and Stability (2013) 98(1), 115-121. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - SISYF - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Djeridi Ikram, Jamet Dominique, Coupé Stéphane, Bressy Christine, Molmeret Maëlle, Le Berre Brigitte, Rimet Frederic, Bouchez Agnès, Blache Yves
Pioneer marine biofilms on antifouling paints immersed in two contrasted French Mediterranean coast sites
Biofouling (2012) 28(5), 453-463. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Ngo Van Giang, Ziarelli Fabio, Margaillan André
New insights into the adsorption of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propylmethacrylate on hydroxylated ZnO nanopowders
Langmuir (2012) 28(6), 3290-3297. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Fouling release coatings: A nontoxic alternative to biocidal antifouling coatings
Chemical Reviews (2012) 112(8), 4347-4390. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Charles Laurence, Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Fragmentation pathways of methacrylic homopolymers with labile trialkylsilyl ester side-groups - A mass spectrometric investigation of the RAFT process
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2012) 311, 31-39. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Hellio Claire, Maréchal Jean-Philippe, Tanguy Brigitte, Margaillan André
Bioassays and field immersion tests: a comparison of the antifouling activity of copper-free poly(methacrylic)-based coatings containing tertiary amines and ammonium salt groups
Biofouling (2010) 26(7), 769-777.
Conferences and communications :
- COM International- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Tackling marine biofouling with non-biocidal coatings
The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Guangzhou (China), 16-21 June 2024. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms - PMAS
Grilli Lucas, Casset Fabrice, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Colin Mikael
Transparent piezoelectric vibrating system for antifouling applications
The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Guangzhou (China), 16-21 June 2024. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Gourlaouen Elliot, Noblet Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Design of (bio)degradable PLGA-PDMS based amphiphilic polymer networks
The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Guangzhou (China), 16-21 June 2024. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Gourlaouen Elliot, Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Ouassim Zeriouh, Cerón-García Maria Carmen, Arrabal-Campos Francisco M.,Ruiz-Martínez Cristina, Fernańdez Ignacio, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio, Bressy Christine
Role of dynamic surface tension of PDMS-PEG surfactant-based PDMS elastomer coatings on protein adsorption: An insight on the ‘ambiguous’ interfacial properties of Fouling Release Coatings
The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Guangzhou (China), 16-21 June 2024. -
- COM International- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Advances in developing amphiphilic coatings with biofouling resistance under static conditions
CoaST- Annual Day 2024, Lyngby (Denmark), 24 april 2024. -
- COM National- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Gestion du biofouling marin : MCO & Réglementation
2MF Mediterranean Maintenance Forum, Toulon (France), 21-22 mars 2024. -
- INV- COM International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Bressy Christine
How efficient and sustainable are amphiphilic fouling-resistant coatings?
ARC Annual Symposium 2023, Adelaide (Australia), 22 november 2023. -
- AFF International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, López-Santiago Christian, Bressy Christine, Fernández-García Marta, Sánchez-Mirón Asterio, García-Camacho Francisco, Cerón-García María del Carmen
Evaluation of cell adhesion with different culture conditions for the production of high value metabolites in microalgae
European Congress of Marine Biotechnology (ECMB2023), Málaga (Spain), 21-24 November 2023. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, López-Rosales Lorenzo, Cerón-García María del Carmen, Bressy Christine, Sánchez-Mirón Asterio, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio
Efficient transparent coating for the reduction of marine microalgae cell adhesion in pilot plant scale photobioreactors
European Congress of Marine Biotechnology (ECMB2023), Málaga (Spain), 21-24 November 2023 -
- COM National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Gourlaouen Elliot, Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Zeriouh Ouassim, Cerón-García Maria del Carmen, Arrabal-Campos F. M., Ruiz-Martínez Cristina, Fernandez Ignacio, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José,García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio, Bressy Christine
Wettability and diffusion of amphiphilic silicone polyethers additives within a silicone polymer network: Influence on surface protein repellency
50èmes Journées d’Etudes des Polymères (JEPO), Le Val Joly (France), 8_13 Octobre 2023. -
- INV- COM International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Bressy Christine
How sustainable are the amphiphilic fouling-resistant coatings?
International Antifouling Conference, Gothenburg (Sweden), 13-14 September 2023. -
- AFF International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Gourlaouen Elliot, Zeriouh Ouassim, Cerón-García Maria del Carmen, Arrabal- Campos F. M. , Ruiz-Martínez Cristina, Fernández Ignacio, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio, Bressy Christine
Wetting kinetics of PDMS-PEG surfactant based silicone antifouling coatings: Influence on protein adsorption
10th EUROPEAN SILICON DAYS, Montpellier (France), 10-12 July 2023. -
- COM National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Gourlaouen Elliot, Bressy Christine
Performances des revêtements FRC amphiphiles ? Une ambiguïté
Colloque Biofouling & Antifouling VII, Toulon (France), 15 mars 2023. -
- COM National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - SISYF
Dezanet Clément, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves
Enzymatically biohydrolyzable Beta-D-glucopolymers : new binders for marine antibiofilm erodible coatings
50e colloque national du Groupe Français d’études et d’applications des Polymères – GFP 2022, Montpellier (France), 21-25 Novembre 2022. -
- AFF National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Gourlaouen Elliot, Margaillan André, Lejars Marlène, Bressy Christine
Architecture de réseaux polymères hybrides (bio)dégradables pour application antifouling
50e colloque national du Groupe Français d’études et d’applications des Polymères – GFP 2022, Montpellier (France), 21-25 Novembre 2022. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Catao Elisa, Gallois Nicolas, Misson Benjamin, Fay Fabienne, Rehel Karine, Copin Dalyal, Linossier Isabelle, Garnier Cédric, Tunin-Ley Alina, Turquet Jean, Pollet Thomas, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François
Metal resistance genes enrichment in marine biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments.
3rd International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology, Montpellier, France, November 2022 -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - IIA
Casset Fabrice, Grilli Lucas, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Colin Mickael
Système antifouling piézoélectrique résonant
Colloque Biofouling, Lorient, France, Novembre 2022 -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, García-Abad Lucia, Macías-De la Rosa Adrián, Riba Baptiste, Cerón-García Maria del Carmen, García-Camacho Francisco, Bressy Christine, Molina-Grima Emilio
Transparency and copolymers amount evaluation to obtain antibiofouling surfaces for microalgae PBRs design
XI Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales (Almeria, Spain), 15 November 2022. -
- COM National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - SISYF
Dezanet Clément, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves
Enzymatically biohydrolyzable Beta-D-glucopolymers as self-polishing matrixes for marine antibiofilm coatings
Workshop Biofouling Marin, Lorient (France), 8-10 novembre 2022. -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Gourlaouen Elliot, Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
- Revêtements antifouling à bade de réseaux polymères amphiphiles
Workshop Biofouling marin, Lorient (France), 8 au 10 Novembre 2022. -
- COM National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Gallardo-Rodríguez Juan José, Cerón-García María del Carmen, Bressy Christine, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio
Development of transparent fouling release coating based on PDMS for industrial microalgae photobioreactors
Colloque Biofouling & Antifouling VI, 14es journées scientifiques de l’Université de Toulon, Toulon (France), 27 avril 2022. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Zeriouh Ouassim, López-Rosales Lorenzo, Cerón-García María del Carmen, García-Camacho Francisco, Bressy Christine, Molina-Grima Emilio
Antibiofouling surfaces for industrial photobioreac
The 7th Conference of International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP2020-2021, virtual), 14 May-13 August 2021. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Bressy Christine, Cerón-García María del Carmen, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio
Fouling-release coatings based on PDMS characterization and biofouling formation evaluation to build an efficient closed-PBR
Young Algaeneers Symposium YAS 2021. 10-12 May (Virtual) -
- AFF National - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Bressy Christine, Cerón-García María del Carmen, García-Camacho Francisco, Molina-Grima Emilio
Characterization and antibiofouling efficiency prediction in fouling-release coatings based on PDMS
IX Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales (Almeria, Spain), November 13th 2020. -
- COM International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Védie Elora, Senez Vincent, Berglin Mattias, Stenlund Patrik, Brisset Hugues, Briand Jean-françois, Bressy Christine
Fabrication and characterization of biobimetic textures for antifouling applications
5th International Conference on Bio-inspired & Bio-based Chemistry and Materials, NICE (France), 12-14 October 2020. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Catao Elisa, Gallois Nicolas, Pollet Thomas, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Fay Fabienne, Copin Dalyal, Tunin-Ley Alina, Turquet Jean, Bressy Christine, Misson Benjamin, Briand Jean-François
Metal resistance genes rich biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments
2nd International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology, Montpellier (France), 6-9 October 2020 (Virtual). -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Soriano-Jerez Yolanda, Zeriouh Ouassim, López-Rosales Lorenzo, Cerón-García María del Carmen, García-Camacho Francisco, Bressy Christine, Molina-Grima Emilio
Antibiofouling surfaces characterization and method validation allowing a rapid selection of the most suitable surface to build efficient closed-PBRs.
VIII Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales (Almeria, Spain), 14-15 November 2019. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Pollet Thomas, Catao Elisa, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Ghiglione Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Lejars Marlène, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François
Hydrodynamique et biocides façonnent les communautés de biofilms marins sur surfaces artificielles
IXe Colloque de l’Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), Bussang (France), November 2019. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Pollet Thomas, Catao Elisa, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Ghiglione Jean-François Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Lejars Marlène, Bressy Christine & Briand Jean-François.
Hydrodynamique et biocides façonnent les communautés de biofilms marins sur surfaces artificielles
5ème Colloque du GDR "Génomique Environnementale", La Rochelle (France), October 2019. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Védie Elora, Senez Vincent, Brisset Hugues, Briand jean-François, Bressy Christine
Fabrication and characterization of biomimetic textures for antifouling applications
4th International Conference on Bioinspired and Zwitterionic Materials, Kerkrade (The Netherlands), june 2019. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Physical Chemistry Mechanics and Durability of Materials - PMAS - IIA
Ramos Chagas Gabriela, Kretzmann Belmonte Guilherme, Weibel Daniel, Bélec Lénaïk, Chailan Jean-François, Bressy Christine
Water-mediated degradation of photochemically modified PBAT films
E-MRS spring meeting, Nice (France), 2019. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Pollet Thomas, Catao Elisa, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Bressy Christine, Ghiglione Jean-François, Briand Jean-François
Substrate characteristics and environment shape prokaryotic community dynamics of marine biofilms
15th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology, Lisbonne (Portugal), May 2019. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Peigneguy Fanny, Dabos-Seignon Sylvie, Allain Magali, Bressy Christine, Cougnon Charles, Gohier Frédéric
Surface Functionalization with Carbohydrates for Antifouling Applications
Journées scientifiques SCF-BPL, Trégastel (France), avril 2019. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Peigneguy Fanny, Dabos-Seignon Sylvie, Allain Magali, Bressy Christine, Cougnon Charles, Gohier Frédéric
Carbohydrates electrografted on glassy carbon surface for antifouling coatings
JED "De la molécule aux matériaux", Brest (France), février 2019. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Peigneguy Fanny, Dabos-Seignon Sylvie, Allain Magali, Bressy Christine, Cougnon Charles, Gohier Frédéric
Carbohydrates electrografting for antifouling applications
9th International Conference on molecular electronics ElecMoL 2018, Paris (France), december 2018 -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Peigneguy Fanny, Dabos-Seignon Sylvie, Allain Magali, Bressy Christine, Cougnon Charles, Gohier Frédéric
Surface Functionalization with Carbohydrates for Antifouling Coatings
Carbohydrate Fluorine Symposium, Poitiers (France), octobre 2018 -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Catao Elisa, Pollet Thomas, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin, Bressy Christine, Culioli Gérald, Briand Jean-François
Multi-species marine biofilms selected on artificial surfaces in dynamic and/or static conditions
17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Leipzig (Germany), August 2018. -
- COM International- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Christine Bressy
Antifouling & Fouling Release coatings: towards more environmentally friendly and long-term efficiency strategies
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Melbourne (Floride), juin 2018 -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Laure Gevaux, Marlène Lejars, Christine Bressy, André Margaillan
Hydrolyzable additives-based silicone elastomers: a new approach of antifouling coatings
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Melbourne (Floride), juin 2018. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Marlène Lejars, Marine Maintenay, Lucile Pelloquet, Christine Bressy
Artificial ageing of biocides-based antifouling coatings: a universal accelerated test method?
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Melbourne (Floride), juin 2018. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Marlène Lejars, Marine Maintenay, Lucile Pelloquet, Christine Bressy
Artificial ageing of Fouling Release Coatings
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Melbourne (Floride), juin 2018. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Laure Gevaux, Marlène Lejars, Christine Bressy, André Margaillan
Seawater erodible fouling release coatings based on a hydrolyzable network
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Melbourne (Floride), juin 2018. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Catao Elisa, Pollet Thomas, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin, Bressy Christine, Culioli Gérald, Briand Jean-François
Kinetics of multi-species biofilms on artificial surfaces in static and dynamic mode using a multi-omics approach
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Melbourne (USA), June 2018. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Favre Laurie, Ortalo-Magné Annick, Kerloch Loic, Pichereaux Carole, Briand Jean-François, Misson Benjamin, Garnier Cédric, Bressy Christine, Culioli Gérald
Metabolomic and proteomic profiling of the marine biofilm-forming Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica response to copper stress
19th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), Melbourne (USA), June 2018. -
- COM International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms
Quillien Nolwenn, H. Ameryoun, A. Barillier, C. Berhault, K. Boukerma, C. Bressy, J.-F. Briand, K. Cayocca, C. Compère, G. Damblans, V. Debout, C. Dreanno, F. Dubois, A. Félix-Henry, A. Grenier, H. Gueuné, D. Jacob, V. Leblanc, M. Lejart, J.-P. Pagot, M. Reynaud M., F. Schoefs
Biofouling: the need to develop interdisciplinary teamwork skills for MRE
7th International Conference on Ocean Energy - ICOE 2018, Cherbourg (France), 12-14 June 2018. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Laure Gevaux, Marlène Lejars, André Margaillan, Christine Bressy
Seawater erodible fouling release coatings based on a hydrolyzable network
17th Polymers and Organic Chemistry Conference, Palavas Les Flots (France), juin 2018. -
- COM International - PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB - Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Biofilms
N. Quillien, H. Ameryoun, A. Barillier, C. Berhault, K. Boukerma, C. Bressy, J.-F. Briand, K. Cayocca, C. Compère, G. Damblans, V. Debout, C. Dreanno, F. Dubois, A. Félix-Henry, A. Grenier, H. Gueuné, D. Jacob, V. Leblanc, M. Lejart, J.-P. Pagot, M. Reynaud M., F. Schoefs
Towards improving biofouling knowledge within MRE environments
Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables 2018, EIMR 2018, Kirkwall, Orkney (Scotland), 24 April 2018. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Pollet Thomas, Garnier Cédric, Misson Benjamin, Réhel Karine, Fay Fabienne, Tunin-Ley Alina, Turquet Jean, Bressy Christine, Culioli Gérald
Dynamique et facteurs conditionnant la colonisation de surfaces polymères par les biofilms en milieu marin
Colloque Polymères & Océans, Montpellier (France), janvier 2018. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Pavlović Drazen, Fahs Armand, Lafond Sandra, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Vers un contrôle des propriétés de surface par auto-assemblage de copolymères diblocs à base de PDMS
45ème colloque GFP, Marseille (France), novembre 2016. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Gregori Gérald, Réhel Karine, Garnier Cédric, Barani Aude, Le Poupon Christophe, Bouchez Agnès, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean using high throughput sequencing
16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Montréal (Canada), août 2016 -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bazire Alexis, Blache Yves, Blériot Laurent, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Copin Dalyal, Culioli Gérald, Delbury Maxime, Dufossé Laurent, Faÿ Fabienne, Grondin Isabelle, Linossier Isabelle, Mangrie Ludovic, Réhel Karine, Sauleau Pierre, Taye Thierry, Tunin-Ley Alina, Turquet Jean, Zéa Abando Claudia, Zubia Mayalen
Tropical microalgae isolated on Reunion island (France, Indian ocean) as sources of antifouling molecules: The BIOPAINTROP project
17th European Congress on Biotechnology, Krakow (Pologne), juillet 2016. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bazire Alexis, Blache Yves, Blériot Laurent, Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Copin Dalyal, Culioli Gérald, Delbury Maxime, Dufossé Laurent, Faÿ Fabienne, Grondin Isabelle, Linossier Isabelle, Mangrie Ludovic, Réhel Karine, Sauleau Pierre, Taye Thierry, Tunin-Ley Alina, Turquet Jean, Zéa Abando Claudia, Zubia Mayalen
Tropical microalgae isolated on Reunion island (France, Indian Ocean) as sources of antifouling molecules: The BIOPAINTROP project
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Pollet Thomas, Favre Laurie, Bressy Christine, Misson Benjamin, Debroas Didier, Garnier Cédric, Culioli Gérald, Ghiglione Jean-François, Briand Jean-François
Responses of marine microbial biofilm communities to contrasted antifouling coatings in two French Mediterranean sites
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Duong The Hy, Faye Djibril, Gohier Frédéric, Brisset Hugues, Frère Pierre, Briand Jean-François, Leriche Philippe, Christine Bressy
Polymers supported Electroactive species for antifouling applications
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Barry-Martinet Raphaëlle, Fayard Aurore, Demol Guillaume, Duong The Hy, Brisset Hugues, Pierre Frere, Gohier Frédéric, Leriche Philippe, Bressy Christine
Screen-printed 96 well-microplates for screening electroactive coatings
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Nguema Edzang Ronald, Duong The Hy, Lejars Marlène, Briand Jean-François, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues
Electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylates for antifouling applications
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Physical Chemistry Mechanics and Durability of Materials - PMAS - SISYF - IIA
Puymège Aurore, El-Kirat Chatel Sofiane, Duong The Hy, Belec Lénaïk, Bressy Christine, Dufrêne Yves, Molmeret Maëlle
Adhesive properties of three marine bacteria towards frc-spc hybrids antifouling coatings
18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Toulon (France), juin 2016 -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Des surfaces polymères actives contre le biofouling marin
15e JADH, Najac (France), octobre 2015. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Gregori Gérald, Rehel Karine, Garnier Cédric, Barani Aude, LePoupon Christophe, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
How water quality and season influence microbial biofilm communities on biocidal antifouling coatings
14th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Uppsala (Suède), août 2015. -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Seawater hydrolysable polymers for antifouling coatings
3rd Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology & Innovation, Athens (Greece), juillet 2015. -
- AFF International - Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Physical Chemistry Mechanics and Durability of Materials - PMAS - IIA
Duong The Hy, Belec Lénaïk, Canilho Nadia, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Poly(tri-alkylsilylester methacrylate)/Poly(dimethylsiloxane) block copolymers: RAFT-mediated polymerization, characterizations and self-assembly behavior
Frontiers in Polymer Science, Riva del Garda (Italy), mai 2015. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
Synthèse et caractérisation de polymères méthacryliques électro‐actifs à base de groupements ferrocényles comme candidats pour contrôler l’adhésion bactérienne
24ème Journée de la Chimie – Société Chimique de France PACA, Toulon (France), avril 2015. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
Use of ferrocene-based polymers for controlling the adhesion of bacteria
9ièmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Université de Toulon – Workshop "Biofouling & Antifouling", Toulon (France), avril 2015. -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine
Silyl‐ or siloxysilyl‐ester based (meth)acrylic polymers: A family of hydrolysable polymers for antifouling coatings
Cross Technology Area Workshop 2015 “Functional Polymer Surfaces”, Eindhoven (Netherlands), janvier 2015 -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
Nouveaux polymères rédox à base de méthacrylate de ferrocène via le procédé RAFT: Synthèse et caractérisations
MATERIAUX 2014, Montpellier (France), novembre 2014. -
- INV - Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Duong The Hy, Margaillan André, Tanguy Brigitte, Briand Jean-François, Bressy Christine
Polysiloxane-based block copolymers: new binders resistant to marine bacterial adhesion
Sea Tech Week - 9th Marine Science Conference, Brest (France), octobre 2014. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Gregori Gerald, Bouchez Agnes, Rehel Karine, Garnier Cedric, Urvois Felix, Barani Aude, Le Berre Brigitte, Le Poupon Christophe, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
A metagenomic / flow cytometry combined approach to characterize biofilms on antifouling coatings
Sea Tech Week - 9th Marine Science Conference, Brest (France), octobre 2014. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
Synthèse de polymères méthacryliques électro-actifs à base de groupements ferrocényles
JEPO, Obernai (France), octobre 2014. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Lejars Marlène, Duong The Hy, Margaillan André
Block and graft PDMS-based copolymers: two architectures of seawater hydrolysable polymers with tuneable marine antifouling properties
GFP national, Saint-Malo (France), octobre 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Duong The Hy, Margaillan André, Tanguy Brigitte, Briand Jean-François, Bressy Christine
Polysiloxane-based block copolymers: anti-adhesive binders for marine bacteria
Nature Inspires Chemistry Engineers (NICE) - 2nd International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials, Nice (France), octobre 2014. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Copolymères à base de méthacrylate de bis(triméthylsiloxy)méthylsilyle, synthétisés par le procédé RAFT: Impact de la structure dibloc sur leurs propriétés
GFP national, Saint-Malo (France), octobre 2014. -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
RAFT synthesized electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylate
GFP national, Saint-Malo (France), octobre 2014. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Buga Mihaela Ramona, Bressy Christine, Margaillan André, lordache loan
Surface modification of silk fibroin fibers by grafting with poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(tributylsilyl methacrylate) via RAFT polymerization
XXXIIIrd Romanian Chemistry Conference, Valcea County (Romania), octobre 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
How does the chain microstructure influence the properties of RAFT-synthesized copolymers based on new bis(trimethylsiloxy)methylsilyl methacrylate monomers?
MACRO2014, Chiang Mai (Thailande), juillet 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Gregori Gérald, Bouchez Agnès, Réhel Karine, Urvois Félix, Barani Aude, Garnier Cédric, Le Berre Brigitte, Le Poupon Christophe, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Margaillan André, Lejars Marlène, Duong The Hy, Bressy Christine
Seawater hydrolyzable graft and block PDMS-based copolymers: How does the architecture affect the antifouling performances of coatings?
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues, Tanguy Brigitte, Faye Djibril, Frère Pierre, Gohier Frédéric, Leriche Philippe, Briand Jean-François
Electroactive polymers: A new antifouling concept for marine applications
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Development of FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Horatius Lydia, Culioli Gérald, Quiniou Françoise, Davy Romain, Lafond Sandra, Compère Chantal, Bressy Christine
Performance assessment of marine paint formulations acting through the release of antifouling agents: Evaluation of leaching and ecotoxicity
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Lafond Sandra, Davy Romain, Tanguy Brigitte, Martin Claire, Horatius Lydia, Anton Charlène, Quiniou Françoise, Compère Chantal
Polymer binders, commercial biocides and immersion sites: all influence macrofouling assemblages on chemically-active antifouling coatings
17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapour, juillet 2014. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Briand Jean-François, Gregori Gérald, Bouchez Agnès, Rehel Karine, Garnier Cédric, Urvois Félix, Barani Aude, LeBerre Brigitte, LePoupon Christophe, Debroas Didier, Bressy Christine
Les biocides des revêtements antifouling structurent-ils les communautés des biofilms les colonisant : étude aux différentes saisons en méditerranée et dans l’océan atlantique
5èmes Journées Thématiques de l’Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne : Ecotoxicogie microbienne, Banyuls-sur-Mer (France), mai 2014. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Nguema Ronald, Lejars Marlène, Brisset Hugues, Raimundo Jean-Manuel, Bressy Christine
RAFT-synthesis of electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylates
7th JFIC-GIFC, Turin (Italie), mai 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Faye Djibril, Frère Pierre, Gohier Frédéric, Leriche Philippe, Brisset Hugues
From organic semiconductors to marine antifouling coatings: How electronic strategies can control bacteria development
MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (USA), avril 2014. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - SISYF - MEBMB
Anton Charlène, Camps Mercedes, Romain Davy, Couteau Sandra, Tanguy Brigitte, Horatius Lydia, Culioli Gérald, Briand Jean-François, Blache Yves, Quiniou Françoise, Compère Chantal, Bressy Christine
Antifouling activity of natural active compounds through bioassays and field immersion tests
40th CIESM Congress, Marseille (France), octobre 2013. -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
RAFT-synthesized hydrolyzable diblock copolymers with low surface energy: new polymer binders for FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings
GFP-BPG 2013, Roubaix (France), novembre 2013. -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Margaillan André
Silyl- or siloxysilyl-ester based (meth)acrylic polymers: a family of hydrolysable polymers with tuneable properties
13ème Journée du GFP-Méditerranée, Montpellier (France), octobre 2013. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings: A new concept of environmentally friendly antifouling technology
40th CIESM Congress, Marseille (France), octobre 2013. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
Well-defined Graft Copolymers of Tert-butyldimethylsilyl Methacrylate and Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Synthesized by the RAFT Process: New Binders for Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Coatings
PAT2013, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Berlin (Allemagne), octobre 2013. -
- AFF National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Urvois Felix, Gregory Gerald, Rehel Karine, Bouchez Agnes, Garnier Cedric, Barani Aude, Le Berre Brigitte, Le Poupon Christophe, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves, Briand Jean-François
Variations spatio-temporelles de communautés microbiennes de biofilms colonisant des revêtements antifouling en méditerranée et dans l’Océan Atlantique
6ème Colloque d’Ecologie Microbienne, Parent (France), octobre 2013. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Ngo Van Giang, Villain Sylvie, Ziarelli Fabio, Leroux Christine, Margaillan André
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanopowders with tunable size, surface hydroxylation and surface modification
EUROMAT 2013, Séville (Spain), septembre 2013. -
- AFF International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Urvois Felix, Gregory Gerald, Rehel Karine, Bouchez Agnes, Garnier Cedric, Barani Aude, Le Berre Brigitte, Le Poupon Christophe, Bressy Christine, Blache Yves, Briand Jean-François
Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean
13th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Stresa (Italy), septembre 2013. -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Margaillan André, Bressy Christine
An overview of binder for Self Polishing and Fouling Release marine antifouling coatings toward hybrid technology
Chimie et Matériaux pour un Environnement Durable, DaNang (Vietnam), juin 2013. -
- INV - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Margaillan André
Trends in the development of environmentally friendly antifouling marine coatings
1st France-Japan Symposium on Green-Materials and Advanced Characterization (GMAC2013), Hyères (France), juin 2013. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Duong The Hy, Bressy Christine, Margaillan André
Synthèse de copolymères hybrides à base de poly(diméthylsiloxane) et de poly(méthacrylate de trialkylsilyle) pour revêtement antifouling
Worshop "Antifouling & Biofouling" - 7èmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Université de Toulon, Toulon (France), avril 2013. -
- COM International - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Petit Christelle, Canilho Nadia, Anton Charlène, Tanguy Brigitte, Margaillan André
Poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate)-based diblock copolymers : A family of hydrolyzable polymers for chemically-active marine antifouling coatings
Smart Coatings 2013, Orlando (Floride, USA), février 2013. -
- COM National - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Xie Qingyi, Ma Chunfeng, Zhang Guangzhao, Bressy Christine
47e colloque national du Groupe Français d’études et d’applications des Polymères, Toulouse (France), novembre 2018.
Book Chapters :
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS - MEBMB
Bressy Christine, Briand Jean-François, Compère Chantal, Réhel Karine
Efficacy testing of biocides and biocidal coatings
Biofouling Methods, Editeur(s): S. Dobretsov, D. N. Williams & J. C. Thomason, Wiley-Blackwell (2014), 332-346. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Margaillan André, Faÿ Fabienne, Linossier Isabelle, Vallée-Réhel Karine
Tin-free self-polishing marine antifouling coatings
Advances in marine antifouling coatings and technologies, Editeur(s): C. Hellio & D. M. Yebra, Woodhead publishing limited, CRC press (2009), 445-491.
Patents :
- PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers
Grilli Lucas, Bressy Christine, Brisset Hugues, Casset Fabrice
Improved anti-biofouling system
CEA/Université de Toulon, (2023) WO2023002113 (A1), (2021) FR3125445 (A1) -
- PMAS - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - SISYF
Blache Yves, Bressy Christine, Dezanet Clément
Antifouling coating
Naval Group, (2020) EP3674332 (A1) -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Physical Chemistry Mechanics and Durability of Materials - PMAS - ACS
Bressy Christine, Margaillan André, Perrin François-Xavier
Composition de revêtement
Merck, (2015) WO/2015/002205A1. -
- Eripole - Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Dong The Nguyen, Luu Van Boi, Margaillan André
Polymères de poly(acrylates de n-alkyle)s et leur utilisation comme abaisseurs de point d’écoulement de pétrole
(2013) WO/2013/076424A1. -
- Chemistry of Functional Polymers - PMAS
Bressy Christine, Lejars Marlène, Margaillan André, Vos Marcel, Gillard Michel
Antifouling coating composition
Laboratoire MAPIEM/PPG, (2013) WO/2013/190121A1.