Site Map
- Overview
- Research Groups
- Surface plasmon resonance multi-sensor for real time illicit drugs detection
- PHC Barrande 2013 : élaboration de nouveaux polymères pour surfaces anti-biosalissures
- PREVENT - Action 3 "Conséquences"
- PREVENT - Action 2 "Surveillance"
- Drag Reducing and Antifouling Coatings for Navy Ships
- Système « Lab-On-Valve » pour la mesure embarquée de métaux lourds
- MAgnésium Résistant COrrosion Peinture Optimisée Liant Organique
- Anti Fouling Electro Coatings
- Peintures antifouling intégrant des molécules issues de ressources marines tropicales
- Elaboration de modèle d’Interphases pour le développement de Matériaux Composites Intelligents
- Self-Erodible Antifouling Paint
- Antifouling Non Toxiques pour ECOsystèmes Littoraux
- Peintures poudres fonctionnelles pour substrats composites
- Antifouling Coatings for War Ships
- Revêtements non toxiques à fonctionnalités antisalissures et réduction de traînée
- Ecologie Chimique Marine: Indicateurs de Biodiversité et Valorisation
- IMPacts RECIproques entre Microorganismes et Métaux traces en milieu marin côtier : qui contrôle qui ?
- Accounting for BIOfouling through established Protocols of quantification
- Enzymatic Coatings Inhibiting Fouling and Corrosion
- Very long distances tele-operated subsea vehicle for very high resolution photogrammetrics monitoring and with low ecological print
- Bioindication of Mediterranean coastal environments associated with biofilms
- Clean Antifouling Coating (REVêtement Antifouling Propres)
- Etude en Mésocosmes de Paramètres REgulant l’INTEraction entre la macroalgue Taonia atomaria et son microbiome de Surface
- Détection de molécules signal impliquées dans la formation du biofilm et l’interaction Amibes-bactéries Marines
- How to PROtect Water, Soil and Plants production all togethER
- SYNergie d’actions pour la PROtection contre la corrosion des alliages de MAGnésium
- Stop alle Plastiche in H2O!
- Accounting for BIOfouling through established Protocols of quantification +
- Couplage multi-Omiques à l’échelle de l’Holobionte : Effet de la diversité Spécifique des Phaeophyceae Taonia sur l’intéractION hôte-microbiome à la Surface
- Gestione dei reflui per il miglioramento delle acque portuali
- QuANtitative assessment of the metal inputs in the marine environment from the galvanic anODEs of marine renewable energy structures
- Peintures Antifouling pour l’Industrie de la Navigation dans une perspective de Transition Socioécologique
- Control of biological and mineral fouling on ships
- NEw biomimetic Lab-on-Chip device for marine water MOnitoring
- Etude des Capacités d’Adhésion de Bactéries marines sur des SURfaces innovantes par microscopie à Force Atomique
- Analyse de la formation de Biofilm sur des SurfaCes par mIcroscopie à balayage laSer confocal
- Etude des Interactions Amibes-Bactéries Marines et détection de molécules signal
- Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of the marine bacterium Persicivirga mediterranea, when in interaction with bacteria and protozoa
- MicroplastiX
- Développement de capteurs de vieillissement in-situ pour le suivi à distance de l’état de santé des matériaux composites et revêtements de protection appliqués à l’éolien off-shore flottant en méditerranée
- olien off-shore flottant : du matériau à la modélisation environnementale des conditions en fonctionnement en passant par l’étude de l’acceptation sociétale de l’implantation de parcs éoliens en mer
- Analysis of the biodiversity of marine microbial strains and their biotic interactions by bioinformatics analysis of DNA and RNA sequences
- Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of marine biofilm formation
- Biofilms in the marine environment: role of c-di-GMP
- Quorum sensing interference in Pseudomonas and related strains isolated from marine ecosystems
- MEsure D’épaisseur et Imagerie Traversante pour MatERiaux assemblés et Revêtements des secteurs Aéronautique, Automobile, Naval, Énergie et des Équipements de protection
- ECOtoxicology analysis of CAthodic Protections
- Innovative Dual-detection sensor for Environmental monitoring of metAL in WATER
- Smart polymers for sustainable marine antifouling coatings
- Antifouling piezoelectric vibratory system
- Etude des BIOFIlms marins comme bio-INDICateurs de la qualité chimique de l’eau de mer en milieu côtier méditerranéen
- Evaluation et caractérisation de l’activité anti-biofilms marins de nouveaux inhibiteurs du quorum sensing, des MIP anti-AHL
- Photopolymerized Zeolite/MOF@Polymer Hybrid Materials as Mixed Membranes for Improved Gas Separation
- Peinture Assistée par Robot pour Milieu Exigu
- Biofouling Integrative characterizatiOn & Description of HYdrodynamic Loadings
Physico-Chemical Characterization
- Zetasizer (MALVERN - nano zs)
- Wetting Test (KRUSS - DSA30)
- Abraser (TABER - Model 5131)
- Minimum Film Forming Temperature Bar (RHOPOINT INSTRUMENT - MFFTB)
- Hardness test (HILDEBRAND - Shore A)
- UV spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU - 2501pc)
- Rugosimeter (TAYLOR HOBSON - form talysurf Intra 02)
- FT-IR Spectrometer (THERMO NICOLET - is50)
- Hardness test (TESTWELL - fm7 Shore A)
- Hardness test (INSTRON WOLPERT - prufgestrell)
- Dynamic mechanical analysis (TA INSTRUMENTS - Q800 DMA)
- Mechanical Testing (INSTRON - 5982)
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA INSTRUMENTS - Q100 mDSC)
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA INSTRUMENTS - Q10 DSC)
- Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer / Thermogravimetric Analysis coupled with Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA INSTRUMENTS - Q600 sdt)
- Persoz Pendulum Hardness Tester (ELCOMETER - 3030)
- Conical Mandrel Bend Tester (BYK - BF 5750)
- Viscometer (BROOKFIELD)
- Impact Tester
- Ubbelohde Capillary Viscometer (SCHOTT Instruments - avs310)
- Microhardness tester (FUTURE TECH - FM)
- Raman spectrometer (RENISHAW)
- Electrochemical workstation (BIOLOGIC - VSP-300)
- Inverted Binocular Microscope (MOTIC-ae20/21)
- Inverted Confocal Microscope (ZEISS - lsm 510 meta)
- Atomic Force Microscope (BRUKER AXS - multimode 8)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (ZEISS-supra 40 vp/gemini column)
- Optical microscope (OLYMPUS-hb2)
- Binocular Microscope (OLYMPUS-cx21 fs1)
- Binocular microscope (OLYMPUS - sz11 tr)
- Digital microscope (HIROX - KH-7700)
- Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (HITACHI TM4000Plus II)
Separation & Structural Analysis
- GCMS/Pyrolyzer (SHIMADZU - qp2010/FRONTIER LAB-ega py 3030d)
- Flash Chromatography (ARMEN INSTRUMENT - spot flash system)
- Size Exclusion Chromatography (WATERS - HPCL pump 1515-Refractive Index detector 2414/KONTRON-hplc detector 432)
- HPLC-DAD/ELSD/MS (VWR - EliteLachrom/EUROSEP-Chromachem/BRUKER-Esquire 6000)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (BRUKER - Avance 400)
- Triple Detection Size Exclusion Chromatography (VISCOTEK - gpcmax ve2001-tda 302-uv detector 2501)
- Differential Refractive Index detector (WYATT - Optilab DSP)
- Numerical Approach
Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
- Thermal cycler (BIO-RAD - CFX Connect QPCR)
- Thermal cycler (Bio - rad T100)
- Refrigerated incubator (MEMMERT - IPP260)
- Microvolumes Spectrophotometer (NANODROP - 200/200c)
- UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (THERMOFISHER SCIENTIFIC - genesys 20 model 4001/4)
- Microplate reader (TECAN - infinit 200 Pro)
- Transilluminator (AVEGENE - Slite 140R)
- Phytotron (SANYO - mlr 351)
- Gel electrophoresis system (dna, proteins)
- Autoclave (SYSTEC - 5075 mlv 104)
- Incubator (EDMUND BULHER - GmBh SM 30 Control)
- Refrigerated incubator (EXCELLA - e24r) *2
- Microbiological safety cabinet (STERIL - bioban me 3034a)
- Microbiological safety cabinet (FASTER - bsc en 1 3) *2
- Microbiological safety cabinet (STERIL - Gemini)
- Freezer (-80°C) (SANYO - mdf u3386s)
- Accelerated Ageing
- Field tests
- Refrigerated centrifuge (SIGMA - 3 30k)
- Micromanipulator (EPPENDORF - InjecMan NI2)
- Microtome (LEICA MICROSYSTEMS - rm2165)
- UV Ozone Cleaner (NOVASCAN - psd series)
- Spin Coater (LAURELL TECHNOLOGIES - ws 650 23)
- Dip coater (NIMA)
- Lyophilizer (THERMO SCIENTIFIC, HETO - powerdry LL1500 freeze dryer)
- Sputter coater (BALTEC)
- Autotitrator (METROHM - SM Titrino 702)
- Cryogenic mill (SPEX - 6770)
- Hybridyzer oven (UVP - hb 1000)
- Cold room (RIVACOLD)
Physico-Chemical Characterization
- Partnerships
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- 3D-printed flow system for determination of lead in natural waters
- 3D-printed lab-on-valve for fluorescent determination of cadmium and lead in water
- 3D inkjet printing of hybrid electroactive ink based on molecularly imprinted polymers for lipopolysaccharides detection
- 96X screen-printed gold electrode platform to evaluate electroactive polymers as marine antifouling coatings
- Characterization and anti-biofilm activity of extracellular polymeric substances produced by the marine biofilm-forming bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ulvae strain TC14
- Mechanically affected zone in AFM force measurements — Focus on actual probe tip geometry
- Comparative effects of humid tropical weathering and artificial ageing on a model composite properties from nano- to macro-scale
- Adjustable amine-epoxy composition in a stratified thin film with a spin-coating process: A useful tool for establishing relationships between the local glass-transition temperature at the interface and the network structure
- Structure properties relationships of liquid crystal bent core organic semiconductors based on benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b’]dithiophene-4,5-dione
- Modified 3D-printed device for mercury determination in waters
- Highly specific and reversible fluoride sensor based on a novel organic semiconductor
- Biological activities associated to the chemodiversity of the brown algae belonging to genus {Lobophora} (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae)
- Impact of perlite, vermiculite and cement on the Young modulus of a plaster composite material: experimental, analytical and numerical approaches
- Mechanical properties of anion exchange membranes by combination of tensile stress strain tests and dynamic mechanical analysis
- Settlement inhibition of marine biofilm bacteria and barnacle larvae by compounds isolated from the Mediterranean brown alga Taonia atomaria
- Aqueous dispersion of multiwall carbon nanotubes with acid derivatives
- Assembly of polyaniline nanotubes by interfacial polymerization for corrosion protection
- RAFT polymerization of Bromotyramine-based 4-acryloyl-1,2,3- triazole: A Functional Monomers and Polymers Family through Click Chemistry
- The marine bacteria Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB400 up-regulates the type VI secretion system during early biofilm formation
- D/A cruciform bithiophene chromophores as potential molecular scaffolds for optoelectronics applications
- Allelopathic interactions between the brown algal genus Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) and scleractinian corals
- An innovative approach to prepare hypericin molecularly imprinted pearls using a “phyto-template"
- Click-based synthesis of bromotyrosine alkaloid analogs as potential anti-biofilm leads for SAR studies
- Modulation of violacein production and phenotypes associated with biofilm by exogenous quorum sensing N-acylhomoserine lactones in the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14
- New organophilic kaolin clays based on single-point grafted 3-aminopropyl dimethylethoxysilane
- Electrochemical and surface characterization of composite material : Polyaniline/LiMn2O4
- Synthesis and characterization of polyaniline nanoparticles in phosphonic acid amphiphile aqueous micellar solutions for waterborne corrosion protection coatings
- Preparation and characterization of polyaniline in reversed micelles of decylphosphonic acid for active corrosion protection coatings
- Improving adhesion of powder coating on PEEK composites: influence of atmospheric plasma parameter
- RAFT-synthesized polymers based on new ferrocenyl methacrylates and electrochemical properties
- Reversible PMMA-PEO nanoaggregates of controlled size by stereospecific interactions between isotactic PMMA and PEO in dilute solution and on surface
- Polysiloxane-based block copolymers with marine bacterial anti-adhesion properties
- Surface modification of silk fibroin fibers with poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(tributylsilyl methacrylate) via RAFT polymerization for marine applications
- Chitosan: poly(N -vinylpyrrolidone-alt -itaconic anhydride) nanocapsules—a promising alternative for the lung cancer treatment
- Cystophloroketals A-E, unusual phloroglucinol-meroterpenoid hybrids from the brown alga Cystoseira tamariscifolia
- Dibutylamino end-capped benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b’]dithiophene-4,5-dione and benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b’]dithiophene versus non modified analogues: contribution of amino groups
- Microparticulated systems based on chitosan and poly (vinyl alcohol) with potential ophthalmic applications
- Assessment and modelling of Ni(II) retention by an ion-imprinted polymer: Application in natural samples
- Metabolomic profiling reveals deep chemical divergence between two morphotypes of the zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae
- Effect of template ion–ligand complex stoichiometry on selectivity of ion-imprinted polymers
- Antitumor and antimicrobial potential of bromoditerpenes isolated from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius
- Comparative effects of humid tropical weathering and artificial ageing on a model composite properties from nano- to macro-scale
- Impact of perlite, vermiculite and cement on the thermal conductivity of a plaster composite material: Experimental and numerical approaches
- Formation, structure and antibacterial activities of silazane networks grafted with poly(ethylene glycol) branches
- Sterols from the brown alga Cystoseira foeniculacea : Degradation of fucosterol into saringosterol epimers
- Marine Fouling: An Overview
- Hybrid Chitosan-Gelatin magnetic Polymer particles for Drug Release
- Carbon nanotube–polyaniline composites
- Biomaterial properties evaluation of poly (vinyl acetate-alt-maleic anhydride)/chitosan nanocapsules
- Development of polyorganosilazane–silicone marine coatings
- Elaboration and dielectric property of modified PZT/epoxy nanocomposites
- Complexation of nickel with 2-(aminomethyl)pyridine at high zinc concentrations or in a nonaqueous solvent mixture
- Antifouling coatings influence both abundance and community structure of colonizing biofilms: A case study in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea
- A versatile electrochemical sensing receptor based on a molecularly imprinted polymer
- Optimized silyl ester diblock methacrylic copolymers: A new class of binders for chemically active antifouling coatings
- Experimental evidence of the interface/interphase formation between powder coating and composite material
- Identification of bacterial strains isolated from the Mediterranean Sea exhibiting different abilities of biofilm formation
- Well-defined diblock copolymers of poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) synthesized by RAFT polymerization
- Computational modeling of quenching step of a coated steel pipe with thermo-elastic, thermo-plastic and thermo-viscoelastic models: Impact of masking tape at tube ends
- Synthesis and characterization of diblock and statistical copolymers based on hydrolyzable siloxy silylester methacrylate monomers
- Study of the moisture/stress effects on glass fibre/epoxy composite and the impact of the interphase area
- Anti-microfouling properties of compounds isolated from several Mediterranean Dictyota spp.
- Spatiotemporal variations of diterpene production in the brown macroalga Bifurcaria bifurcata from the western coasts of Brittany (France)
- Crystal structure of oligothiophene thin film characterized by two dimensional grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
- Diosgenin-selective molecularly imprinted pearls prepared by wet phase inversion
- New hybrid materials based on poly(ethyleneoxide)grafted polysilazane by hydrosilylation and their antifouling properties
- Influence of branched or unbranched alkyl substitutes of poss on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of polyethylene
- The influence of alkyl substituents of poss in polyethylene nanocomposites
- Silane coupling agent for attaching fusion-bonded epoxy to steel
- Influence of silane-based treatment on adherence and wet durability of fusion bonded epoxy/steel joints
- Protective effects of ethyl acetate fraction of Lawsonia inermis fruits extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative damage in rat liver
- Chimie des substances naturelles et chimie de l’environnement
- Chitosan/polymer nanoparticulate controlled release system for ibuprofen
- Marine biofilms on artificial surfaces: structure and dynamics
- Antifouling 26,27-cyclosterols from the Vietnamese marine sponge Xestospongia testudinaria
- Numerical modelling of pipe internal stresses induced during the coating process - Influence of pipe geometric characteristics on stress state
- New adhesives: Bismaleimide liquid crystals containing polymethylene flexible groups and aramide–arylate mesogen groups
- Recent advances on ion-imprinted polymers
- Ibuprofen loaded Chitosan/ Poly (maleic anhydride -alt -vinyl acetate) submicronic capsules for pain treatment
- Sub-micronic capsules based on Gelatin and Poly (maleic anhydride -alt- vinyl acetate) obtained by interfacial condensation with potential biomedical applications
- A new composite based on gypsum matrix and mineral additives: hydration process of the matrix and thermal properties at room temperature
- Well-defined graft copolymers of tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate and poly(dimethylsiloxane) macromonomers synthesized by RAFT polymerization
- Efficacy of Lawsonia inermis leaves extract and its phenolic compounds against olive knot and crown gall diseases
- Multi-asperity nanotribology of self-assembled monolayers grafted on silicon wafers displaying various crystallographic orientations and nanostructures
- Synthesis of polymerizable vinyltriazoles: Development of an optimized one-pot strategy starting from 4-bromobutyne
- Thermal crosslinked and nanodiamond reinforced SPEEK composite membrane for PEMFC
- Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles with tunable size and surface hydroxylation
- A first insight into the thermal degradation mechanism of silylated methacrylic homopolymers synthesized via the RAFT process
- Influence of the thickness of pipeline coating on internal stresses during the manufacturing process by finite element analysis
- A convenient synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with dihydropyrano[3,4-b]pyridine scaffold
- Modified water diffusion kinetics in an unidirectional glass/fibre composite due to the interphase area: experimental, analytical and numerical approach
- Radiochemical ageing of butyl rubbers for space applications.
- Morphology and thermal properties of PLA–cellulose nanofibers composites
- A new microemulsion approach for producing molecularly imprinted polymers with selective recognition cavities for gallic acid
- Linear diterpenes from the marine brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata: A chemical perspective
- Evaluation of propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment directly on membrane filter for the enumeration of viable but non cultivable Legionella by qPCR
- Kaolin/polyacrylic acid composites as precursores for porous kaolin ceramics
- Facile synthesis of graft copolymers of controlled architecture. Copolymerization of fluorinated and non-fluorinated poly(dimethylsiloxane) macromonomers with trialkylsilyl methacrylates using RAFT polymerization
- Using conducting polymers as active agents for marine antifouling paints
- Mechanical and physical properties of expanded starch reinforced by natural fibres
- Tailor-made polymer beads for gallic acid recognition and separation
- Organic thin film transistors based on distyryl-oligothiophenes: Role of AFM images in analyses of charge transport properties
- Meroditerpene from Cystoseira nodicaulis and its taxonomic significance
- Role of ligand acidity in chelating adsorption and desorption of metal salts
- Synthesis and thermal properties of bismaleimides with mesogen aromatic amide-ester and flexible polymethylenic group
- Co-grafting of porphyrins and fullerenes on ZnO nanorods: Towards supramolecular donor–acceptor assembly
- Experimental, analytical and numerical study of water diffusion in unidirectional composite materials – Interphase impact
- Pioneer marine biofilms on antifouling paints immersed in two contrasted French Mediterranean coast sites
- Inverse suspension polymerization as a new tool for the synthesis of ion-imprinted polymers
- Crosslinked SPEEK membranes: Mechanical, thermal and hydrothermal properties
- New insights into the adsorption of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propylmethacrylate on hydroxylated ZnO nanopowders
- Fouling release coatings: A nontoxic alternative to biocidal antifouling coatings
- Towards n-channel organic thin film transistors based on a distyryl-bithiophene derivative
- Synthesis, cytotoxicity and structure-activity relationships between ester and amide functionalities in novel acridine-based platinium(II) complexes
- Perfluoroarene units in distyryl-oligothiophene analogues: an efficient electron density confinement preventing n-type transport in organic thin film transistors
- Towars solution-processed ambipolar organic thin film transistors based on alpha,omega-didtyryl-bithiophene and a fluorocarbon-substituted dicyanoperylene
- Catechol immobilized on crosslinked polystyrene resins by grafting or copolymerization: Incidence on metal ions adsorption
- Fragmentation pathways of methacrylic homopolymers with labile trialkylsilyl ester side-groups - A mass spectrometric investigation of the RAFT process
- Correlation between synthesis variation of 2-alkylquinolones and the antifungal activity of a Burkholderia cepacia strains collection
- Surface metabolites of the brown alga Taonia atomaria have the ability to regulate epibiosis
- Role of magnesium and a phagosomal P-type ATPase in intracellular bacterial killing.
- A new active organic component for flexible ammonia gas sensors
- Trade-off at the biochemical level: Relating natural variations of the secondary metabolism and the ecology of the sponge Oscarella balibaloi
- Linear and branched alkyl substituted octakis(dimethylsiloxy)octasilsesquioxanes: WAXS and Thermal Properties
- Degradation of rubber to metals bonds during its cathodic delamination, validation of an artificial ageing test
- Corrosion protection of steel by sulfo-doped polyaniline-pigmented coating
- Designing 2-aminoimidazole alkaloids analogues with anti-biofilm activities: structure-activities relationships of polysubstituted triazoles
- Antifouling properties of simple indole and purine alkaloids from the mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata
- Finite element analysis of the material’s area affected during a micro thermal analysis applied to homogeneous materials
- Hybrid heterojunction nanorods for nanoscale controlled morphology in bulk heterojunction solar cells
- Cellulose fiber-reinforced polylactic acid
- Nanostructuration in thin epoxy-amine films inducing controlled specific phase etherification: Effect on the glass transition temperatures
- Antifouling activity of commercial biocides vs natural and natural-derived products assessed by marine bacteria adhesion bioassay
- Environmental Burkholderia cepacia strain Cs5 acting by two analogous alkyl-quinolones and a didecyl-phthalate against a broad spectrum of phytopathogens fungi
- Composite polymer electrolytes of sulfonated poly-ether-ether-ketone (SPEEK) with organically functionalized TiO2
- Functionalization of ‘kite’ shaped styryl end-capped benzodithiophene with ketone groups: synthesis, characterization and properties
- Computational analysis of a three-layer pipeline coating: Internal stresses generated during the manufacturing process
- Targeting bacterial biofilms: design of a terpenoid-like library as non-toxic anti-biofilm compounds
- Dictyotadimer A, a new dissymmetric bis-diterpene from a brown alga of the genus Dictyota
- Antioxidant constituents from Lawsonia inermis leaves: Isolation, structure elucidation and antioxidative capacity
- Core-cyanated distyryl-bithiophene: Synthesis and impact on charge transport in field-effect transistors
- LC/ESI-MSn and 1H HR-MAS NMR analytical methods as useful taxonomical tools within the genus Cystoseira C. Agardh (Fucales; Phaeophyceae)
- All solution processed flexible amonia gas and light sensors based on alpha-omega-hexyl-distyrylbithiophene films
- Bioassays and field immersion tests: a comparison of the antifouling activity of copper-free poly(methacrylic)-based coatings containing tertiary amines and ammonium salt groups
- Enhancement of polarization property of silane-modified BaTiO3 nanoparticles and its effect in increasing dielectric property of epoxy/BaTiO3 nanocomposites
- Species specificity of bacteria associated to the brown seaweeds Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) and their potential for induction of rapid coral bleaching in Acropora muricata
- Fluid chemistry of the low temperature hyperalkaline hydrothermal system of Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
- Spatial distribution of microbial communities in the shallow submarine alkaline hydrothermal field of the Prony Bay, New Caledonia.
- Burkholderia novacaledonica sp. nov. and B. ultramafica sp. nov. isolated from roots of Costularia spp. pioneer plants of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia.
- Mechanistic insights into c-di-GMP-dependent control of the biofilm regulator FleQ from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- FleQ DNA binding consensus sequence revealed by studies of FleQ-dependent regulation of biofilm gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Low-permeability poly(ether ether ketone)-based ampholytic membranes
- Nickel retention by an ion-imprinted polymer: Wide-range selectivity study and modelling of the binding structures
- The role of epoxy matrix occlusions within BaTiO3 nanoparticles on the dielectric properties of functionalized BaTiO3/epoxy nanocomposites
- Validation of a representative volume element for unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites: Case of a monotonic traction in its cross section
- Effect of porogen solvent on the properties of nickel ion imprinted polymer materials prepared by inverse suspension polymerization
- Photo-oxidative degradation behavior of linseed oil based epoxy resin
- Discrimination of four marine biofilm-forming bacteria by LC-MS metabolomics and influence of culture parameters
- The effect of air exposure on the crystal structure of oligo-thiophene thin films investigated using in situ X-ray diffraction
- Electroactive polyacrylates bearing linear conjugated systems based on EDOT moieties
- Influence of the synthesis parameters on the efficiency of fluorescent ion-imprinted polymers for lead detection
- Metabolome and proteome changes between biofilm and planktonic phenotypes of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica TC8
- Spatio-temporal variations of marine biofilm communities colonizing artificial substrata including antifouling coatings in contrasted coastal environments
- Phenotypic heterogeneity in attachment of marine bacteria towards antifouling copolymers unraveled by AFM
- Composite anion exchange membranes with functionalized hydrophilic or hydrophobic titanium dioxide
- Poly(ester)-Poly(silyl methacrylate) copolymers: synthesis and hydrolytic degradation kinetics
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Excitation Using Whispering Gallery Modes in Bent Metal-Clad Single-Mode Optical Fiber
- In situ complexation versus complex isolation in synthesis of ion imprinted polymers
- One-step preparation of molecularly imprinted hollow beads for pseudohypericin separation from Hypericum perforatum L. extracts
- Detection of Bisphenol A in aqueous medium by screen printed carbon electrodes incorporating electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers
- A review of analytical models to describe pull-out behavior – Fiber/matrix adhesion
- Effect of interphase region on the elastic behavior of unidirectional glass-fiber/epoxy composites
- Numerical study on the evaluation of thermal and mechanical stresses during the welding of coated pipelines
- Numerical modeling of stresses relaxation phenomena in the complex assembly steel pipe/three layers polyethylene coating
- Application of unusual on/off electrochemical properties of a molecularly imprinted polymer based on an EDOT-thiophene precursor for the detection of ephedrine
- Influence of sharklet-inspired micropatterned polymers on spatio-temporal variations of marine biofouling
- Exploring the chemodiversity of tropical microalgae for the discovery of natural antifouling compounds
- Metabarcoding and metabolomics offer complementarity in deciphering marine eukaryotic biofouling community shifts
- Anti-bacterial adhesion activity of tropical microalgae extracts
- Prokaryotic community successions and interactions in marine biofilms: the key role of Flavobacteriia
- Multispecies Biofilm Development of Marine Bacteria Implies Complex Relationships Through Competition and Synergy and Modification of Matrix Complex Components
- How to Improve Nafion with tailor made annealing
- Effects of accelerated ageing conditions on the mechanism of chemically-active antifouling coatings
- Preparation and study of a carbohydrated carbon surface by electrochemical oxidation of beta-D-(4-aminophenoxy)glucopyranose
- Synthesis and characterization of random and block-random diblock silylated terpolymers via RAFT polymerization
- RAFT polymerization of tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate: kinetic study and determination of rate coefficients
- Influence of Substituents on the Antiplasmodial and Cytotoxic Activities of 5-chloro-3,4-dihydro-1Hpyrano[3,4-b]-1,10-phenanthrolinone as Antimalarial Agent
- Towards smart biocide-free anti-biofilm strategies: Click-based synthesis of cinnamide analogues as anti-biofilm compounds against marine bacteria
- Synthesis and characterization of decylphosphonic acid, applications in emulsion polymerization and anti-corrosion coatings
- Polyaniline thermoset blends and composites
- Electrodeposition of composite films of reduced graphene oxide/ polyaniline in neutral aqueous solution on inert and oxidizable metal
- Nanocomposite Coatings: Preparation, Characterization, Properties and Applications
- Preparation and characterization of polyacrylamide-modified kaolinite containing poly [acrylic acid-co-methylene bisacrylamide] nanocomposite hydrogels
- Crystal structure of tetrakis(2,2’-bithiophene-5-yl)silane
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers as material for pollutant detection
- Water erodible coatings based on a hydrolyzable PDMS/polyester network
- Bacterial anti-adhesion activity based on the electrochemical properties of polymethacrylates bearing ferrocenyl pendant groups
- Identifying the stoichiometry of metal/ligand complex by coupling spectroscopy and modelling: a comprehensive study on two fluorescent molecules specific to lead
- Temperate and tropical coastal waters share relatively similar microbial biofilm communities while free-living or particle-attached communities are distinct
- Temporal covariation of epibacterial community and surface metabolome in the Mediterranean seaweed holobiont Taonia atomaria
- Trace metal contamination impacts predicted functions more than structure of marine prokaryotic biofilm communities in an anthropized coastal area
- Changes in bacterioplankton communities resulting from direct and indirect interactions with trace metal gradients in an urbanized marine coastal area
- Hydrolyzable additive-based silicone elastomers: a new approach of antifouling coatings
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers in microelectrode devices
- Self‐stratifying silicone coating with nonleaching antifoulant for marine anti‐biofouling
- Shear stress as a major driver of marine biofilm communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea
- Metabolomic and proteomic changes induced by growth inhibitory concentrations of copper in the biofilm-forming marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica
- Molecularly imprinted polymer pearls obtained by phase inversion for the selective recognition of hypericin
- Fabrication and characterisation of novel nanofiltration polymeric membrane
- Evaluation of molecularly imprinted thin films for ephedrine recognition
- Ion exchange of lanthanides with conventional and ion-imprinted resins containing sulfonic or iminodiacetic acid groups
- Integration of LC/MS-based molecular networking and classical phytochemical approach allows in-depth annotation of the metabolome of non-model organisms - The case study of the brown seaweed Taonia atomaria
- Multi-omics analysis suggests links between the differentiated surface metabolome and epiphytic microbiota along the thallus of a Mediterranean seaweed holobiont.
- An insight of enhanced natural material (calcined diatomite) efficiency in nickel and silver retention: Application to natural effluents
- The Effect of Monomers on the Recognition Properties of Molecularly Imprinted Beads for Proto-hypericin and Proto-pseudohypericin
- Amphiphilic hydrolyzable polydimethylsiloxane-b-poly(ethyleneglycol methacrylate-co-trialkylsilyl methacrylate) block copolymers for marine coatings. I. Synthesis, hydrolysis and surface wettability.
- Amphiphilic hydrolyzable polydimethylsiloxane-b-poly(ethyleneglycol methacrylate-co-trialkylsilyl methacrylate) block copolymers for marine coatings. II. Antifouling laboratory tests and field trials.
- Thermal degradation of hydroxyalkylated poly(dimethylsiloxane)s and poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate) based block copolymers synthesized by RAFT polymerization
- Syntheses and NMR and XRD studies of carbohydrate–ferrocene conjugates
- A turn-on fluorescent ion-imprinted polymer for selective and reliable optosensing of lead in real water samples
- Characterization and evaluation of primer formulations for bonding silicone rubber to metal
- Growth and organization of (3-Trimethoxysilylpropyl) diethylenetriamine within reactive amino-terminated self-assembled monolayer on silica
- Thermal-Controlled Frictional Behaviour of Nanopatterned Self-assembled Monolayers as Triboactive Surfaces
- Recent Applications of Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy in Polymer Science: A Review
- An Abaqus™ plug-in for the geometry generation of Representative Volume Elements with randomly distributed fibers and interphases
- Effect of surface morphology on the adhesion of silicone elastomers on AA6061 aluminum alloy
- Molecularly imprinted membranes obtained via wet phase inversion for ephedrine rentention
- Study of Annealed Aquivion® Ionomers with the INCA Method
- Control of the optical properties upon a reversible [2+2] cycloaddition of 3-(4-N,N-dibutylamino)-styryl)-3’-(dicyanovinyl)-bithiophene
- Siloxy silylester methacrylate diblock copolymer-based coatings with tunable erosion and marine antifouling properties
- Antifouling activities of immobilized ferrocenyl glucose on glassy carbon surface
- Exploring the role of macroalgal surface metabolites on the settlement of the benthic dinoflagellate {Ostreopsis} cf. {ovata}
- Impacts of copper and lead exposure on prokaryotic communities originating from contaminated contrasted coastal seawaters: the influence of metal exposure history
- The marine bacterium Shewanella woodyi produces C8-HSL to regulate bioluminescence
- Structural basis of transcriptional regulation by CouR, a repressor of coumarate catabolism, in Rhodopseudomonas palustris
- Use of Nonradiochemical DNAse Footprinting to Analyze c-di-GMP Modulation of DNA-Binding Proteins
- Degradation of cyclic diguanosine monophosphate by a hybrid two-component protein protects Azoarcus sp. strain CIB from toluene toxicity
- Screening of bromotyramine analogues as antifouling compounds against marine bacteria
- Biofilm formation in marine bacteria and biocidal sensitivity: interplay between a potent antibiofilm compound (AS162) and quorum-sensing autoinducers
- Parallel synthesis of a bis-triazoles library as psammaplin A analogues: A new wave of antibiofilm compounds?
- Towards eco-friendly biocides: preparation, antibiofilm activity of hemibastadin analogues
- Metal resistance genes enrichment in marine biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments
- Chemical functionalization of nano fibrillated cellulose by glycidyl silane coupling agents: A grafted silane network characterization study
- Graphene Oxide-Induced Interfacial Transcrystallization of Single-Fiber Milkweed/Polycaprolactone/Polyvinylchloride Composites
- Synthesis of Lamellarin Q analogues as potential antibiofilm compounds
- Contribution in the Malaria Control of Substituted 5- chloro-3,4-dihydro-1H-pyrano[3,4-b]-1,10- phenanthrolinone Compounds: Antiplasmodial and Cytotoxic Activities
- Nature inspires chemistry : smart anti-biofilm molecules to reduce environmental impact of antifouling coatings
- Iron corrosion induced by the hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 70°C
- Impact of thermal treatment on bentonite retention ability toward nickel and silver retention
- Enhancing clay adsorption properties: A comparison between chemical and combined chemical/thermal treatments
- Uncovering the behavior of screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with polymers molecularly imprinted with lipopolysaccharide
- Evolution of effective mechanical and interphase properties during natural ageing of glass-fibre/epoxy composites using micromechanical approach
- Synthesis of silica-polymer core-shell hybrid materials with enhanced mechanical properties using a new bifunctional silane-based photoinitiator as coupling agent
- Disrupting quorum sensing alters social interactions in Chromobacterium violaceum
- Integration of spatio-temporal variations of surface metabolomes and epibacterial communities highlights the importance of copper stress as a major factor shaping host-microbiota interactions within a Mediterranean seaweed holobiont
- French Mediterranean and Atlantic populations of the brown algal genus Taonia (Dictyotales) display differences in phylogeny, surface metabolomes and epibacterial communities
- Synergistic effects of temperature and light affect the relationship between Taonia atomaria and its epibacterial community: a controlled conditions study
- Stress evolution in multilayer polymer coating under thermal and pressure loading applied to the pipeline structure
- Organic additive release from plastic to seawater is lower under deep-sea conditions
- Benefit of ion imprinting technique in solid-phase extraction of heavy metals, special focus on the last decade
- Seawater copper content controls biofilm bioaccumulation and microbial community on microplastics
- Bioinspiration and microtopography as non-toxic strategies for marine bioadhesion control
- What governs marine fouling assemblages on chemically-active antifouling coatings?
- Molecularly imprinted polymers for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances enrichment and detection
- Electrochemical sensors modified with ion-imprinted polymers for metal ion detection
- Development, Optimization, Biological Assays, and In Situ Field Immersion of a Transparent Piezoelectric Vibrating System for Antifouling Applications
- Surface Characteristics Together With Environmental Conditions Shape Marine Biofilm Dynamics in Coastal NW Mediterranean Locations
- Antifouling Activities of Immobilized Ferrocenyl Glucose on a Glassy Carbon Surface
- Impact of phosphate starvation on the metabolome of the biofilm-forming marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica
- Editorial: Impact and Management of Marine Biofouling
- Multiscale investigation of the effect of sizing chemistry on the adhesion and interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites
- Poly(β-cyclodextrin)-Activated Carbon Gel Composites for Removal of Pesticides from Water
- Molecularly imprinted films and quaternary ammonium-functionalized microparticles working in tandem against pathogenic bacteria in wastewaters
- Composite Nanogels Based on Zeolite-Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate for Controlled Drug Delivery
- Synthesis of graphene–ZnO nanocomposites by a one-step electrochemical deposition for efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutant
- Poly(ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate-Nanogels Synthesized by Mini-emulsion Polymerization
- Influencing parameters of mechanochemical intercalation of kaolinite with urea
- Relation between the corrosion resistance and the chemical structure of hybrid sol-gel coatings with interlinked inorganic-organic network
- Poly(ethylene glycol) Composite Hydrogels with Natural Zeolite as Filler for Controlled Delivery Applications
- Polyethylene glycol-b-poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) hydrolyzable block copolymers for eco-friendly self-polishing marine coatings
- New Coupling Agent Structures for Preparing Filler-Polymer Hybrid Materials Under Soft Irradiation Conditions
- Highly selective recovery of Ni(II) in neutral and acidic media using a novel Ni(II)-ion imprinted polymer
- Eukaryotic diversity of marine biofouling from coastal to offshore areas
- Fungal diversity and dynamics during long-term immersion of conventional and biodegradable plastics in the marine environment
- Impact of the sizing reactivity of glass fibers on composites hydrothermal aging
- Water Adsorption on MgO Surfaces: A Vibrational Analysis
- Design of an histidine-based imprinted polymer as a selective receptor of copper(II) for its detection in seawater
- Assessing the plastisphere from floating plastics in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, with emphasis on viruses
- Impact of hydrodynamics on community structure and metabolic production of marine biofouling formed in a highly energetic estuary
- Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the plastisphere : Awareness of environmental risk from a European perspective
- Aging effects at room temperature and process parameters on 3D-printed poly (lactic acid) (PLA) tensile properties
- The Development of a 3D-Printed Compliant System for the Orientation of Payloads on Small Satellites: Material Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of 3D-Printed Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK)
- Transparent antibiofouling coating to improve the efficiency of Nannochloropsis gaditana and Chlorella sorokiniana culture photobioreactors at the pilot-plant scale
- Role of dynamic surface tension of silicone polyether surfactant-based silicone coatings on protein adsorption: An insight on the ‘ambiguous’ interfacial properties of Fouling Release Coatings
- Long-lasting biofouling formation on transparent fouling-release coatings for the construction of efficient closed photobioreactors
- Preventing biofouling in microalgal photobioreactors - Review
- Environmental microbiome diversity and stability is a barrier to antimicrobial resistance gene accumulation
- Investigation of the modification of gold electrodes by electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers as a selective layer for the trace level electroanalysis of PAH
- Shear stress controls prokaryotic and eukaryotic biofilm communities together with EPS and metabolomic expression in a semi‑controlled coastal environment in the NW Mediterranean Sea
- A comparative biomonitoring study of trace metals and organic compounds bioaccumulation in marine biofilms and caged mussels along the French Mediterranean coast
- Polymer material biodegradation in the deep sea. A review
- Atmospheric dispersal shapes rapid bacterial colonization of Icelandic Lava Rocks
- The Role of Silanization of Barium Strontium Titanate Nanopowders on the Dielectric Constant and Thermal Stability of Epoxy Nanocomposites
Conferences & Communications
- 3D printed system for the spectrophotometric determination of lead in water
- Natural and artificial ageing on UD glass fibre/epoxy matrix model composites: Effects on bulk, surface and interphases
- Poly(tri-alkylsilylester methacrylate)/Poly(dimethylsiloxane) block copolymers: RAFT-mediated polymerization, characterizations and self-assembly behavior
- Effets du métabolome de surface, de la température et de la contamination en métaux traces, sur le microbiote de surface de l’holobionte algal Taonia atomaria
- Linking polymer science and environmental studies: Development of new specific tools for trace metal analysis
- Development of a new class of imprinted polymers for electrochemical sensing of organic pollutants
- Correlation between the FTIR spectroscopy and dielectric analysis to investigate the UV aging of BaTiO3-epoxy nanocomposite
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers as regnotion elements for Bisphenol A
- Combined application of NOEs and RDCs in the configurational assignment of secondary metabolites from the brown seaweed Cystoseira baccata
- Residual dipolar couplings in the NMR-based configurational analysis of new cystochromanes from the phaeophyta Cystoseira baccata
- Characterization of interface network structures using fluorescent probes and related thermomechanical properties in ultra thin epoxy-amine films
- Les polymères à empreintes moléculaires: pour une meilleure détection du Bisphénol A par voie électrochimique
- Suivi in situ du vieillissement hydrolytique par fluorescence extrinsèque
- Application of metabolomics to understanding marine biofilms
- Targeting biofilms with non-toxic molecules: a green solution for reduced environmental impact of the use of biocides
- Molecularly imprinted polymers obtained by wet phase inversion for separation and sensing
- Des surfaces polymères actives contre le biofouling marin
- Seawater hydrolysable polymers for antifouling coatings
- Intérêts de la spectroscopie de fluorescence pour la caractérisation moléculaire des réseaux réticulés de polymères : Application au vieillissement des composites
- Des polymères innovants pour la surveillance de la qualité des eaux
- Ecologie chimique marine: Apports de la chimie des substances naturelles et de la métabolomique environnementale
- Molécules bio-inspirées pour la lutte antibiofilm en milieu marin
- Lutte antibiofilm: Des plantes médicinales aux analogues de produits naturels
- Silyl‐ or siloxysilyl‐ester based (meth)acrylic polymers: A family of hydrolysable polymers for antifouling coatings
- Synthèse et caractérisation de polymères méthacryliques électro‐actifs à base de groupements ferrocényles comme candidats pour contrôler l’adhésion bactérienne
- Use of ferrocene-based polymers for controlling the adhesion of bacteria
- Etude par métabolomique de l’impact du cuivre sur des souches bactériennes issues d’une zone côtière polluée: La rade de Toulon
- Détection du Bisphénol A avec des polymères à empreintes moléculaires électrochimiques
- Variation du signal de fluorescence en milieu confiné selon la structure du réseau epoxy-amine
- Chimiotaxonomie et macroalgues : Passé, présent et perspectives. Les Sargassacées comme modèles d’étude
- Etude par métabolomique de la chimiodiversité de souches bactériennes issues de biofilm marins
- Caractérisation et activité anti‐biofilm de substances polymériques extracellulaires produites par la bactérie marine Pseudoalteromonas ulvae (TC14)
- Inhibition de l’adhésion de diatomées par les composés allélopathiques de l’algue verte Uronema confervicolum
- Etude par métabolomique (LC-MS) de souches bactériennes issues de biofilms marins
- Innate immunity regulates the excretion of anti-settlement compounds by Fucus vesiculosus and other brown seaweeds
- Triboactive surfaces in multi-asperity nanotribology
- Impact of the numerical model assumptions on the water diffusion kinetics of a UD composites
- Finite element analysis of interphases properties: A crucial part in the degradation of a UD composites
- Impact of environmental factors on allelopathic interactions in freshwater phototrophic biofilms
- How water quality and season influence microbial biofilm communities on biocidal antifouling coatings
- Smart interface with thermoactive properties in ultra-thin epoxy-amine film
- Synthesis of unique hypericin adsorbents using a new molecularly imprinting approach
- Synthèse et caractérisation d’un polymère à empreintes électrochimiques du Bisphénol A
- Synthèse et criblage biologique d’analogues d’alcaloïdes de type bromotyrosine comme inhibiteurs de biofilm bactérien
- Recherche de biomarqueurs par analyse métabolomique à partir de bactéries issues de biofilms marins
- Polysiloxane-based block copolymers: new binders resistant to marine bacterial adhesion
- Médiation chimique entre algues brunes et bactéries: Approche métabolomique et recherche de molécules d’origine marine à activité anti-biofilm
- A metagenomic / flow cytometry combined approach to characterize biofilms on antifouling coatings
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers for monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water
- Influence of epoxy/glass fibres interface/interphase on water diffusion kinetics: Experimental and numerical approach
- Préparation de nanocapsules à bases de poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone-alt-anhydride itaconique) et de chitosan pour l’encapsulation de principes actifs
- Synthesis and antibiofilm activity of bromotyramines analogues
- Les biocides des revêtements antifouling structurent-ils les communautés des biofilms les colonisant : étude aux différentes saisons en méditerranée et dans l’océan atlantique
- Caractérisation par analyse métabolomique de biomarqueurs bactériens au sein de biofilms marins
- Research of biomarkers from marine biofilm-forming bacteria by metabolomic analysis (LC-MS)
- Synthèse de polymères méthacryliques électro-actifs à base de groupements ferrocényles
- Polymères à empreintes moléculaires ou ioniques: des matériaux poreux aux propriétés de reconnaissance sélective
- Block and graft PDMS-based copolymers: two architectures of seawater hydrolysable polymers with tuneable marine antifouling properties
- Polysiloxane-based block copolymers: anti-adhesive binders for marine bacteria
- Copolymères à base de méthacrylate de bis(triméthylsiloxy)méthylsilyle, synthétisés par le procédé RAFT: Impact de la structure dibloc sur leurs propriétés
- Imprinted polymers as antibody mimicking synthetic materials: application to extraction and sensing
- Advances on ion-imprinted polymers: focus on Ni(II) IIPs
- Electrochemical cross-linked molecularly imprinted polymer as recognition element in BaP sensor
- How does the chain microstructure influence the properties of RAFT-synthesized copolymers based on new bis(trimethylsiloxy)methylsilyl methacrylate monomers?
- Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean
- Seawater hydrolyzable graft and block PDMS-based copolymers: How does the architecture affect the antifouling performances of coatings?
- Electroactive polymers: A new antifouling concept for marine applications
- Controlled Nanostructuration of Ultra-Thin Epoxy-Amine Thin Film by Spin-Coating Process
- Smart Thermoactive Ultra-Thin Epoxy-Amine Thin Films
- Development of FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings
- From organic semiconductors to marine antifouling coatings: How electronic strategies can control bacteria development
- Nouveaux polymères rédox à base de méthacrylate de ferrocène via le procédé RAFT: Synthèse et caractérisations
- RAFT synthesized electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylate
- RAFT-synthesis of electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylates
- Preparation of Barium Strontium titanate (nano)-powder and its polymer composite based on epoxy resin for application
- Recherche de biomarqueurs par analyse métabolomique à partir de bactéries issues de biofilms marins
- Surface modification of silk fibroin fibers by grafting with poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(tributylsilyl methacrylate) via RAFT polymerization
- Recherche de biomarqueurs par analyse métabolomique (LC-MS) d’une bactérie marine Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica TC8 issue d’un biofilm
- Chemical mediation between the Mediterranean brown alga Taonia atomaria and the bacterial community associated to its surface
- Performance assessment of marine paint formulations acting through the release of antifouling agents: Evaluation of leaching and ecotoxicity
- Polymer binders, commercial biocides and immersion sites: all influence macrofouling assemblages on chemically-active antifouling coatings
- Lutte antibiofilm:de la médecine traditionnelle aux analogues de produits naturels
- Silyl- or siloxysilyl-ester based (meth)acrylic polymers: A family of hydrolysable polymers with tuneable properties
- Les couches minces de polymères peuvent-elles être des modèles des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux composites? Cas de la nanoindentation
- Imprinted polymers for micropollutant extraction and sensing
- An overview of binder for Self Polishing and Fouling Release marine antifouling coatings toward hybrid technology
- Trends in the development of environmentally friendly antifouling marine coatings
- Influence of silane-based treatment on adherence and wet durability of fusion bonded epoxy/steel joints
- Influence of epoxy/glass fibres interface on water diffusion kinetics: experimental and numerical approach
- Elaboration and characterization of composite materials for structures with high thermal holding
- Positive effect of the addition of silane treatment on wet durability of fusion bonded epoxy/steel joints for three layers pipeline coatings
- Targeting greener antifouling solutions : from natural products to synthetic anti-biofilm leads
- FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings: A new concept of environmentally friendly antifouling technology
- Antifouling activity of natural active compounds through bioassays and field immersion tests
- Médiation chimique entre l’algue brune méditerranéenne Taonia atomaria et la communauté bactérienne associée à sa surface
- Synthesis of zinc oxide nanopowders with tunable size, surface hydroxylation and surface modification
- Polymère à empreinte moléculaire électrochimique: Application à la détection de HAP
- Well-defined Graft Copolymers of Tert-butyldimethylsilyl Methacrylate and Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Synthesized by the RAFT Process: New Binders for Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Coatings
- Dégradation photocatalytique de la Rhodamine B par des catalyseurs à base de TiO2 supporté sur de la cosse de riz
- Médiation chimique entre l’algue brune méditerranéenne Taonia atomaria et la communauté bactérienne associée à la surface
- Development of sensors based on electrochemical cross-linked molecularly imprinted polymer for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water
- Polymère à empreinte moléculaire : synthèse, caractérisation et utilisation dans le domaine des capteurs
- New cystochromanes and oxidized meroditerpenes from the brown alga Cystoseira baccata. Indication for a general revision of the bicyclo[4.3.0]nonane system?
- Application of the ion-imprinting technology to the design and synthesis of nickel(II) imprinted polymers
- L’analyse du métabolome : un outil pour la compréhension des interactions écologiques entre organismes marins ?
- Synthèse de copolymères hybrides à base de poly(diméthylsiloxane) et de poly(méthacrylate de trialkylsilyle) pour revêtement antifouling
- Poly(trialkylsilyl methacrylate)-based diblock copolymers : A family of hydrolyzable polymers for chemically-active marine antifouling coatings
- Polymère à empreinte moléculaire: synthèse, caractérisation et utilisation dans le domaine des capteurs
- Numerical modeling of pipe internal stress induced during the coating process with elastic, plastic and viscoelastic models
- Ecologie chimique du genre Lobophora (Phaeophyceae) : Interactions avec les coraux
- Extracellular polymeric substances from a marine biofilm forming strain, Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14. Characterization of exopolysaccharides and antibiofilm activity
- Interactions between macro-algae and associated bacteria: biofilm control by surface secondary metabolites in the Mediterranean brown seaweed Taonia atomaria
- RAFT-synthesized hydrolyzable diblock copolymers with low surface energy: new polymer binders for FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings
- Revêtements anti-salissures marines hybrides sans biocide : Une nouvelle technologie de lutte contre les salissures marines, plus respectueuse de l’environnement
- Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean
- Variations spatio-temporelles de communautés microbiennes de biofilms colonisant des revêtements antifouling en méditerranée et dans l’Océan Atlantique
- What about the ability of the Mediterranean brown seaweed Taonia atomaria to control foulers but also to select surface-associated bacteria?
- Bioactive potential of bromoditerpenes isolated from Sphaerococcus coronopifolius of Portugal coasts
- A new electrochemical cross-linked molecularly imprinted polymer: Synthesis, characterization and use in sensors field
- Bioactive potential of bromoditerpenes isolated from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius from Portugal coast
- Brominated diterpenes from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius of Portugal Atlantic Coasts
- Analyse du métabolome de surface de l’algue brune Taonia atomaria et étude de son implication dans le contrôle du biofilm bactérien
- LC-MS based metabolic profiling of marine bacterial strains demonstrates variation between free-living and biofilm lifestyles
- Characterization of interphases by nanomechanical mapping and correlation with macroscopic mechanical properties
- A bisphenol A sensor based on a ferrocenyl electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer
- Molecular imprinting of gallic acid: from conventional to new approaches
- New insights on the obtaining of molecularly imprinted pearls by phase inversion method using pure hypericin vs. “phyto-template”
- Marine Roseobacters’ lifestyles in biofilms forming conditions
- Exploiting the chemodiversity of tropical microalgae for the discovery of natural antifoulants through the BIOPAINTROP project
- Tropical microalgae isolated on Reunion island (France, Indian Ocean) as sources of antifouling molecules: The BIOPAINTROP project
- Extracellular polymeric substances from a marine biofilm-forming strain, Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14: Characterization of exopolysaccharides and antifouling activities
- Responses of marine microbial biofilm communities to contrasted antifouling coatings in two French Mediterranean sites
- Regulation of the epibiotic bacterial community by the surface metabolome of the brown alga Taonia atomaria
- LC-MS based metabolomics in integrated field and laboratory approaches towards unravelling the impact of metal contamination on marine biofilms
- Tropical microalgae isolated on Reunion island (France, Indian ocean) as sources of antifouling molecules: The BIOPAINTROP project
- Chemical interactions between filamentous green algae and diatoms in freshwater phototrophic biofilms: a metabolomic and transcriptomic approach
- Biofilm formation and c-di-GMP signaling in marine environment
- Characterization of Shewanella woodyi Quorum Sensing systems
- Investigation of different marine bacterial strains behaviors in biofilm
- Polymers supported Electroactive species for antifouling applications
- Screen-printed 96 well-microplates for screening electroactive coatings
- Development of standard and novel laboratory methods to evaluate anti-macrofouling efficacy
- Impacts of a multi-contamination gradient in a North-Western Mediterranean bay (Toulon Bay, France) on biofilm microbial communities analysed by flow cytometry
- Trace metal contamination as a toxic and structuring factor for marine coastal ultraphytoplanktonic communities – examples from water and sediment of the multicontaminated Toulon bay, France
- Spatio-temporal variation of the marine biofilm communities colonizing antifouling coatings in the Mediterranean Sea vs the Atlantic Ocean using high throughput sequencing
- Succession and co-occurrence of microbial communities in Mediterranean marine biofilms
- Electroactive polymers based on ferrocenyl methacrylates for antifouling applications
- Caractérisation et activité anti-biofilm des exopolysaccharides de la bactérie marine Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14
- Influence of interphases on the water diffusion kinetics in a UD composite
- Validation of a representative volume element for UD fiber-reinforced composites: Mechanical properties evolution due to ageing
- Numerical simulation of UD composites behavior based on nanomechanical characterization
- Validation of a representative volume element for unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites: The influence of the interphases
- La modélisation numérique au service du développement des composites
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers to detect Bisphenol A
- Vers une nouvelle génération de polymères à empreintes fonctionnels pour la détection électrochimique de micropolluants organiques
- Molecularly imprinted polymers: a selective recognition material for the detection of Bisphenol A
- Synthesis and characterization of novel (N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane)-based molecularly imprinted films for bisphenol A recognition
- Drug delivery nano-layers for surface plasmon resonance-based sensors
- Synthèse de polymères à empreintes ioniques du plomb (II)
- Vers un contrôle des propriétés de surface par auto-assemblage de copolymères diblocs à base de PDMS
- Elaboration de polymères à empreintes moléculaires pour la séquestration d’autoinducteurs bactériens
- Chemical interactions between host and epiphytes – Example of benthic microalgae
- Discrimination of marine biofilms by metabolomics
- Analyses métabolomique et protéomique comparatives de la bactérie marine Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica TC8 cultivée en mode planctonique et en biofilm
- Metabolomic fingerprinting of 8 mangroves species from North Vietnam
- Electroactive Polyacrylate for antifouling applications
- Dynamique et facteurs conditionnant la colonisation de surfaces polymères par les biofilms en milieu marin
- Biocidal coatings triggers low diversified Alteromonadaceae dominated biofilm community
- Dynamique de la colonisation des surfaces artificielles en Méditerranée par une approche multidisciplinaire metabarcoding/métabolomique
- Regulation of the epibiotic bacterial community of the Mediterranean Phaeophyceae Taonia atomaria by its surface metabolome
- Intrinsically electroactive molecularly imprinted polymers for the recognition and detection of organic molecules
- Use of in situ complexation for the synthesis of ion-imprinted polymers
- A new sensitive and selective fluorescent monomer for the development of Pb2+ Ion Imprinted Polymers
- Improvement for ion imprinting technique
- New method to adjust the complex structure of Ion-Imprinted Polymers
- Characterization of Bisphenol A imprinted materials obtained by sol-gel technique
- Nouvelle sonde fluorescente sélective et sensible pour la détection des ions Pb2+
- Développement d’un système mésofluidique imprimé en 3D pour le dosage du plomb dans les eaux naturelles
- Validation d’un Volume Elémentaire Représentatif pour composites UD renforcés par des fibres : influence des interphases
- Effect of the interphasial debonding on the elastic behavior of unidirectional glass-fiber/epoxy composites
- Influence of the interphases on the mechanical properties of a composite
- Estimation des contraintes internes générées lors du procédé de mise en oeuvre de revêtements protecteurs de pipelines
- Investigation of composite interphases during tropical ageing by nano-mechanical techniques
- Durabilité des revêtements épais multicouches : contraintes internes
- Molecularly imprinted polymers containing redox or fluorescent probes for sensing applications
- Screen printed carbon electrodes incorporating electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers to detect pollutant
- Functional molecularly imprinted polymers as smart materials for micropollutant detection
- Synthesis of a new chelating monomer for lead(II) and its incorporation in an ion imprinted polymers for lead(II) recognition
- Preparation and characterization of a new ion imprinted polymer for lead(II) recognition
- Improvement for control the stoichiometry of template ion or molecule/ligand complexes in synthesis of ion and molecular imprinted polymers
- Ferrocenylmethyl methacrylate: from antifouling coatings to molecularly imprinted polymer sensors
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers as sensor interfaces
- Seasonal covariation of epibacterial community and surface metabolome in the Mediterranean seaweed holobiont of Taonia atomaria
- Kinetics of multi-species biofilms on artificial surfaces in static and dynamic mode using a multi-omics approach
- Multi-species marine biofilms selected on artificial surfaces in dynamic and/or static conditions
- Changes in bacterioplankton community resulting from direct and indirect interactions with trace metal gradients in an urbanized marine coastal area
- Seasonal covariation of epibacterial community and surface metabolome in the Mediterranean seaweed holobiont of Taonia atomaria
- Metabolomic and proteomic profiling of the marine biofilm-forming Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica response to copper stress
- Metabolomic and proteomic responses of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica to copper stress
- Coupling metabolome and microbiome analyses for deciphering the chemical dialogue between the brown alga Taonia atomaria and its epiphytic bacterial communities
- Modulation of the toxic phase of antibiofilm compounds on Pseudoalteromonas ulvae (TC14) by interfering with quorum sensing
- Biofilm formation and signaling of c-di-GMP in Shewanella oneidensis
- How do marine bacteria interact with the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii?
- Spatial organization of multi-species marine bacteria in biofilm
- Implication of extracellular structure of Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB400 on adhesion and biofilm formation abilities
- Adhesive properties of three marine bacteria towards FRC-SPC hybrids antifouling coatings
- Inhibition of violacein production in marine bacteria Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14 by quorum sensing inhibitors
- How Shewanella frigidimarina adheres and forms a biofilm on inert surfaces?
- Primaire à base d’organosilanes pour l’amélioration de l’adhérence d’assemblages élastomère silicone-aluminium 6061
- Hygrothermal ageing effects on stratified nanolayers ultra-thin thermoset films studied by FT-IR, peakforce AFM and nanothermal analysis
- Les propriétés viscoélastiques de couches ultra-minces thermodurcissables stratifiées
- Quelques exemples de l’apport de la caractérisation locale des interphases pour le développement des matériaux composites : les composites intelligents – le vieillissement des composites
- Antifouling & Fouling Release coatings: towards more environmentally friendly and long-term efficiency strategies
- Seawater erodible fouling release coatings based on a hydrolyzable network
- Hydrolyzable additives-based silicone elastomers: a new approach of antifouling coatings
- Artificial ageing of biocides-based antifouling coatings: a universal accelerated test method?
- Artificial ageing of Fouling Release Coatings
- Seawater erodible fouling release coatings based on a hydrolyzable network
- BIOPAINTROP : revêtements antifouling écologiques d’origine tropicale
- Toward bioinspired anti-biofilm strategies: a green solution to reduce enviromental impact of antifouling coatings
- Les algues : vers une approche bio-inspirée pour des matériaux antifouling
- Nouvelles molécules anti-biofilm: étude des relations structure-activité d’analogues d’hémibastadines
- Towards smart biocide-free antifouling strategies against marine bacteria : design of marine natural products analogues
- Interphases and durability in polymer based composite materials: characterization and modelization
- Investigation of composite interphases during tropical ageing by nanomechanical techniques
- Effects of tropical ageing on nano mechanical properties of composite interphases
- Properties of polymer composite materials based on epoxy resin incorporated BaTiO3/Graphene oxyde nanoparticules
- Nanoscale characterization of natural superhydrophobic and hollow milkweed fibers from North America
- The potential of natural superhydrophobic hollow milkweed fibers
- Thermal-controlled frictional behaviour of nanopatterned surfaces
- Valorization of waste fibers from Posidonia Oceanica seaweeds in a biocomposite: influence of fiber treatment and ageing on properties
- The role of interface functionalization on self-healing and relaxation properties of vitrimer nanocomposites
- Elaboration et caractérisation des membranes composites échangeuses d’anions à base de polysulfone-nanoparticules TiO2 fonctionnalisées
- Peinture poudre sur substrats composites : Amélioration de l’adhérence par le procédé d’application du revêtement et par le traitement de surface du substrat
- Les couches minces représentatives des interphases de matériaux composites : conceptions, caractérisations, vieillissement hydrolytique
- Microstructuration of bio based epoxy resin mixture: Epoxidized linseed oil and phloroglucinol tris epoxy
- Local scale characterizations of smart interface in thin coatings
- Painting the Composite Materials by Powder Coating: Surface and Interface Investigations
- Evolution of interphases in UD glass fibre epoxy matrix composites during natural, hygrothermal and UV ageing
- Rôle des interphases sur le vieillissement d’un composite en milieu tropical humide
- Improvement of silicone rubber/metal assembly: Influence of primer formulation and metal roughness
- Achieving recognition and detection of micropollutants through smart molecularly imprinted polymers
- Advanced molecularly imprinted polymer as electrochemical sensor interfaces
- Effect of complex structure on selectivity properties of ion imprinted polymers
- A metabolomics approach to investigate the response of Navicula mollis P-91 to salinity and irradiance stresses
- Coupling metabolome and microbiome analyses for deciphering the chemical dialogue between the brown alga Taonia atomaria and its epiphytic bacterial communities
- Seasonal co-variation of surface metabolome and epibacterial communities of the holobiont Taonia atomaria
- Polymères à empreintes moléculaires incorporant des sondes rédox ou fluorescentes pour la détection du Bisphénol A et du plomb(II)
- Copolymères poly(ester)-poly(méthacrylate de tri-alkylsilyle) : synthèse et cinétique de dégradation hydrolytique
- Annotation du métabolome de la macroalgue brune Taonia atomaria par l’approche des réseaux moléculaires
- Surface metabolome together with sea water temperature and trace metals contamination shape the surface microbiote of the Mediterranean brown seaweed holobiont Taonia atomaria
- Annotation de nouvelles classes de glycérolipides par l’approche des réseaux moléculaires au sein du métabolome de la macroalgue brune Taonia atomaria
- Design of electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of Benzo[a]Pyrene and Bisphenol A
- Advanced electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer as sensor interfaces
- Molecularly imprinted polymers for the design of electrochemical or fluorescent sensors
- Development of new adsorbents for silver removal in highly-contaminated effluents
- Development of new adsorbents for silver removal in highly-contaminated effluents
- Surface metabolome together with sea water temperature and trace metals contamination shape the surface microbiote of the Mediterranean brown seaweed holobiont Taonia atomaria
- Diversité et contrôle des biofilms marins
- Substrate characteristics and environment shape prokaryotic community dynamics of marine biofilms
- Variabilité zonale du métabolome de la macroalgue brune Taonia atomaria: annotation par l’approche des réseaux moléculaires et liens avec le microbiote associé
- Water erodible silicone/polyester networks for antifouling applications
- Hydrolyzable additive polymers embedded in a silicone elastomer for antifouling applications
- Synthèse de polymères à base d’analogues de dérivés de produits naturels par le procédé RAFT
- Copolymères poly(ester)-poly(méthacrylate de tri-alkylsilyle) : synthèse et cinétique de dégradation hydrolytique
- La biocolonisation des structures EMR : cartographie et mise en place de protocoles de suivi
- Marine antifouling and fouling release coatings: the key parameters controlling their performances
- Functionalization of surfaces - Antifouling Coating
- Carbohydrates electrografting for antifouling applications
- Surface Functionalization with Carbohydrates for Antifouling Coatings
- Carbohydrates electrografted on glassy carbon surface for antifouling coatings
- Surface Functionalization with Carbohydrates for Antifouling Applications
- Fabrication and characterization of biomimetic textures for antifouling applications
- Water-mediated degradation of photochemically modified PBAT films
- Why and how characterizing biofouling for FOWT?
- Synthesis of Copper-Imprinted Polymer for Copper Detection
- Élaboration de polymères à empreintes ioniques fluorescents pour la détection du plomb (II)
- La métabolomique en région SUD PACA : principaux acteurs et secteurs d’activité
- Discrimination de vins rosés par métabolomique non-ciblée et annotation de biomarqueurs par réseaux moléculaires
- Utilisation de l’approche des réseaux moléculaires pour l’annotation de nouvelles classes de glycérolipides au sein du métabolome de la macroalgue brune Taonia atomaria
- Couplage des analyses du métabolome et du microbiome pour comprendre les interactions chimiques saisonnières entre l’algue brune Taonia atomaria et ses communautés bactériennes épiphytes
- Discrimination de vins rosés par métabolomique non-ciblée
- Biogéograpie des biofilms marins en zone portuaire: des communautés plus conservées que les communautés planctoniques
- Impact de la carence en phosphates sur la production métabolique d’une souche bactérienne marine formant un biofilm
- Hydrodynamique et biocides façonnent les communautés de biofilms marins sur surfaces artificielles
- Evidences expérimentales de réponses microbiennes à la contamination métallique en zone portuaire Méditerranéenne
- May differentiated surface metabolome along the thalli of the brown seaweed Taonia atomaria shape the epiphytic microbiota?
- Hydrodynamique et biocides façonnent les communautés de biofilms marins sur surfaces artificielles
- Graphene oxide as in-situ hydrolytic aging sensor using Raman spectroscopy for thermosets matrix
- Valorization of waste fibers from Posidonia Oceanica seaweeds in a bio-composite: influence of fiber treatment and ageing on properties
- Influence of a marine natural fibre treatment on biocomposites macro- and nanomechanical properties
- Nano Fibrillated Cellulose templates impregnated in epoxy resin : stress relaxation behavior of vitrimer nanocomposites
- Fonctionnalisation de nanofibres de cellulose en vue de leur incorporation dans une résine époxy
- Improvement of silicone rubber/metal assembly: the role of PDMS reinforcement in formulations to promote adhesion
- Amélioration de l’adhérence d’un assemblage élastomère silicone/métal: Influence du renforcement d’un PDMS utilisé au sein de formulations de primaires
- Modulation de l’interphase dans un système époxy-verre : influence et impact de la chimie sur l’adhésion et les propriétés interfaciales
- Functionalization and characterization of cellulose nanofibrils CNF dedicated to elaboration of CNF/epoxy composite materials
- Impact de la carence en phosphates sur la production métabolique d’une bactérie marine cultivée en biofilm
- Metal resistance genes rich biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments
- Bis-triazole compounds with anti-biofilm and anti-corrosion properties
- Toward bioinspired anti-biofilm strategies: a green solution to reduce enviromental impact of antifouling coatings
- Sea business & innovation
- Bio-inspired compounds for smart antibiofilm compounds
- Mutlispecies biofilms: Expanding knowledge on interspecies interactions
- Mutlispecies biofilms: a step toward understanding microbial interactions
- Synthesis and characterization of Copper (II)-Imprinted Polymers for the Selective Detection of Copper (II) Ions
- Biomimetic materials based on L-histidine for the Selective Binding and Detection of Copper (II) Ions
- How to make smart materials from molecularly imprinted polymers for the selective detection of pollutants
- Modulation of the interphase in a glass epoxy system: influence of the sizing chemistry on adhesion and interfacial properties
- Polymères bio-inspirés pour l’adsorption et la détection sélective du cuivre(II)
- Copper (II) – imprinted polymer : an original material for the selective binding and detection of copper (II) in marine environments
- Modulation of the interphase in a glass epoxy system: influence of the sizing chemistry on adhesion and interfacial properties
- Synthesis of new selective monomers for the design of original Ni(II) and Co(II) ion imprinted polymers
- Designing ion-imprinted polymers for metal trace determination in environmental conditions: influence of synthesis parameters
- Modification of gold electrodes by electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers
- Electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers as functional active layers for the detection of PAH
- Multi-scale investigation of the effect of sizing chemistry on adhesion and interfacial properties of glass fibres-reinforced epoxy composites
- Impact of the sizing reactivity of glass fibres on composites hydrothermal ageing
- Caractérisation des interphases et corrélation des propriétés
- Modulation de l’interphase dans un système époxy verre : influence et impact de la chimie sur l’adhésion et les propriétés interfaciales
- Synthèse et caractérisation de polymères à empreintes : intégration dans des électrodes de carbone
- Fonctionnalisation d’électrodes d’or par un MIP électrochimique
- Smart molecularly imprinted polymers immobilized on gold electrodes for the detection of organic pollutants
- Controlled synthesis of a molecularly imprinted polymer film on a gold surface through “grafting from” approach for the detection of PAH
- Diatoms biofilms dynamics associated to trace metals bioaccumulation on polymers along the seasons in NW Mediterranean and North Atlantic coasts
- Impact of biofilm on the microplastics settling velocities
- Marine biofilms as biological indicators of the seawater chemical quality of Mediterranean French coasts
- Metal resistance genes enrichment in marine biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments
- Dynamique de la colonisation de microplastiques par les diatomées et accumulation de métaux
- Qui perturbe le signal ? Les trois domaines de la vie colonisent les télescopes à neutrinos au fond de la Méditerranée
- Dynamique et contrôle des communautés microbiennes de biofilms sur substrats artificiels
- Impact de l’hydrodynamisme sur la structure de la communauté microbienne et l’expression métabolique des biofilms marins dans un environnement semi-contrôlé
- Système antifouling piézoélectrique résonant
- Effet de l’hydrodynamisme sur la production biochimique de biofilms marins
- Sélection de la communauté bactérienne épiphyte de la Dictyotaceae Taonia : effets de l’environnement côtier méditerranéen et du métabolome de surface
- Bioaccumulation du cuivre par les biofilms des microplastiques en milieu marin
- Cinétique de colonisation et variabilité spatiotemporelle des diatomées dans les biofilms marins côtiers
- Impact de l’hydrodynamisme sur la structure de la communauté microbienne et l’expression métabolique des biofilms marins dans un environnement semi-contrôlé
- Impact de l’hydrodynamisme sur la structure des communautés et l’expression métabolique de biofilms dans la ria d’Etel (Atlantique, Bretagne)
- Effet de l’hydrodynamisme sur la production biochimique de biofilms marins
- Metals bioaccumulation by plastisphere and further transfer to organisms
- Impact of hydrodynamics on microbial community structure and metabolic expression of semi-controlled biofilms in marine environment
- Dans quelle mesure les communautés free-living et particle-attached contribuent-elles à la diversité de biofilms formés sur des microplastiques en polyéthylène en milieu marin ?
- LC-MS based untargeted metabolomics combined with ATR-FTIR spectroscopy reveals how hydrodynamics affects the metabolic production of marine biofilms
- Molecularly imprinted polymer electrodes for benzo(a)pyrene detection prepared by surface-initiated photopolymerization
- Towards novel sensing receptors based on modified gold electrodes by active molecularly imprinted polymers
- Apport of the IA to improve bike parameters on muscle activity and position in order to optimise rider performance
- Structural optimisation of a bicycle using a multi-instrument experimental design
- Design and Fabrication of a 3D Printed Compliant System for the Orientation of Payloads
- Prototyping for space applications: material characterization of 3D printed PLA and PEKK for a polymer-based compliant system
- How sustainable are the amphiphilic fouling-resistant coatings?
- Fouling release coatings with evolving surface chemistry
- How efficient and sustainable are amphiphilic fouling-resistant coatings?
- Enzymatically biohydrolyzable Beta-D-glucopolymers : new binders for marine antibiofilm erodible coatings
- Enzymatically biohydrolyzable Beta-D-glucopolymers as self-polishing matrixes for marine antibiofilm coatings
- Performances des revêtements FRC amphiphiles ? Une ambiguïté
- Wettability and diffusion of amphiphilic silicone polyethers additives within a silicone polymer network: Influence on surface protein repellency
- Wetting kinetics of PDMS-PEG surfactant based silicone antifouling coatings: Influence on protein adsorption
- Transparency and copolymers amount evaluation to obtain antibiofouling surfaces for microalgae PBRs design
- Evaluation of cell adhesion with different culture conditions for the production of high value metabolites in microalgae
- Fabrication and characterization of biomimetic textures for antifouling applications
- Development of transparent fouling release coatings based on PDMS for industrial microalgae photobioreactors
- Development of transparent fouling release coating based on PDMS for industrial microalgae photobioreactors
- Characterization and antibiofouling efficiency prediction in fouling-release coatings based on PDMS
- Antibiofouling surfaces characterization and method validation allowing a rapid selection of the most suitable surface to build efficient closed-PBRs.
- Biofouling: the need to develop interdisciplinary teamwork skills for MRE
- Towards improving biofouling knowledge within MRE environments
- Architecture de réseaux polymères hybrides (bio)dégradables pour application antifouling
- - Revêtements antifouling à bade de réseaux polymères amphiphiles
- Molecularly imprinted polymer films grafted on gold electrodes as smart electrochemical receptors for the detection of PAH
- Design of turn-on fluorescent imprinted polymers for sensing of lead in complex water samples
- Ionic Imprinted Polymers PEGDA-based for Selective Binding of Lithium Ions
- Gestion du biofouling marin : MCO & Réglementation
- Advances in developing amphiphilic coatings with biofouling resistance under static conditions
- Tackling marine biofouling with non-biocidal coatings
- Transparent piezoelectric vibrating system for antifouling applications
- Design of (bio)degradable PLGA-PDMS based amphiphilic polymer networks
- Role of dynamic surface tension of PDMS-PEG surfactant-based PDMS elastomer coatings on protein adsorption: An insight on the ‘ambiguous’ interfacial properties of Fouling Release Coatings
- Antibiofouling surfaces for industrial photobioreactors
- Fouling-release coatings based on PDMS characterization and biofouling formation evaluation to build an efficient closed-PBR
- Efficient transparent coating for the reduction of marine microalgae cell adhesion in pilot plant scale photobioreactors
- Transparency and copolymers amount evaluation to obtain antibiofouling surfaces for microalgae PBRs design
- Accuracy of a freediving mask for measuring heart rate (HR) and oxygen saturation (SPO2)
- Effects of freediving fin parameters on ankle stress using 3DiVE (FreeDiving Valgus Experiment) rig
- Gear fitting for downwind SUP foil performance
- Design of molecularly imprinted polymers with anti-quorum sensing properties
- Modeling Multiple Stress Relaxations behaviors of Dynamic Polymer Network near its Glass Transition Temperature
- Thermal degradation of aromatic amine cured epoxidized lindseed oil
- High-performance, bio-based, tri-component vitrimer networks based on epoxydized vegetable oils: Control of the network synthesis and morphology
- Fluorescence spectroscopy apply to thermoset networks characterizations: heterogeneities, ageing, dynamic covalent bonds
- Applications de la spectroscopie de fluorescence pour le suivi de vieillissement thermo-oxydatif de réseau époxys
- Un outil performant pour l’analyse du vieillissement des interphases dans les matériaux composites: la spectroscopie de fluorescence
- Apports des analyses thermomécaniques locales et des spectroscopies pour le développement de capteurs in-situ du suivi de vieillissement hydrolytique dans les matériaux composites et revêtements
- Apport de la spectroscopie de fluorescence au vieillissement thermo-oxidatif de réseaux époxy-amine
- Vieillissement hydrolytique de vitrimères époxy-amine : rôle sur les relaxations de contraintes et l’autoréparation
- Croissance et organisation de monocouches auto-assemblées de (3-triméthoxysilylpropyl) diéthylène-triamine sur silice
Book Chapters
- Chap. 4: Protective coatings based on sol-gel chemistry
- Internal stresses in pipeline coating: Manufacturing process and lifetime
- Chap. 6: Mechanical and dynamic mechanical analysis of proton-conducting polymers
- Extraction, purification and NMR analysis of terpenes from brown algae
- Efficacy testing of biocides and biocidal coatings
- Replication intracellulaire de Legionella
- Chap. 18: Waterborne paints to limit VOC emissions: Interests and limits
- Chap. 6: Des peintures en phase aqueuse pour limiter les émissions de COV: Intérêts et limites
- Chap. 10: Peintures anticorrosion
- Tin-free self-polishing marine antifouling coatings
- Study of delamination of organic coatings by local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- Chap. 7: Antibacterial Behavior of Hybrid Nanoparticle
- Chap. 6: Dictyotaceae (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) species from French Polynesia: current knowledge and future research
- Banc de test pour simuler la dégradation d’une conduite immergée ou enterrée
- Bis-triazoles compounds with anti-biofilm and anti-corrosion properties
- Composition de revêtement
- Polymères de poly(acrylates de n-alkyle)s et leur utilisation comme abaisseurs de point d’écoulement de pétrole
- Antifouling coating composition
- Polymère à empreinte et procédé de préparation
- Composition pour la fabrication de matériaux pour isolation thermique et protection incendie. Procédé pour obtenir un matériau et matériau obtenu par le procédé
- Ceramic foam, method for obtaining same and use thereof as thermal insulator
- Isolement et caractérisation des activités biologiques de deux nouvelles molécules biologiquement actives ainsi que d’extraits organiques à partir de la plante Lawsonia inermis LBPes03
- Bis-triazoles compounds with antibiofilm and anticorrosion properties
- Improved anti-biofouling system
- Antifouling coating
PhD Thesis
- Conception de revêtements antifouling respectueux de l’environnement : synthèse et étude des relations structure-activité d’analogues de produits naturels marins
- Développement de nanostructures tridimensionnelles organiques aux interfaces physico-chimiquement contrôlées afin de modéliser le vieillissement des interphases organique-inorganique : utilisation de sondes fluorescentes et d’analyses locales AFM
- Reciprocal impacts between microbial community and trace metal contamination in a highly contaminated area: the Toulon Bay (France)
- Bacterial biomarkers characterization by metabolomic analysis in marine biofilms
- Synthèse de polyaniline en systèmes micellaires : application à la protection des métaux
- Development and characterization of polymer and composite materials for the detection of metal cations. Application: monitoring of the water quality in Toulon harbor
- Caractérisation du système de communication Quorum Sensing de bactéries marines isolées de la rade de Toulon.
- Development of self-healing protective coatings based on MWCNT/ceria/polyaniline ternary composites as active pigments
- Bio-essais anti-adhésion sur des bactéries marines pour le criblage de molécules et de revêtements antifouling
- Synthesis of an enzymatically biohydrolyzable tripartite beta-D-glucomonomer and RAFT polymerization to develop a marine antibiofilm self-polishing coating
- Diversité des interactions microbiennes au sein de l’environnement marin: de biofilm multi-spécifique à multi-organismes
- Biofilm formation and c-di-GMP signaling in Shewanella oneidensis
- Effet du matériau composite à base de polyaniline sur le comportement électrochimique de la masse cathodique de la pile au bioxyde de manganèse et sur les revêtements anticorrosion
- Characterization of Shewanella woodyi Quorum Sensing systems and its role in the adhesion and biofilm formation of this bacterium
- Structure activity relationship study of marine bromotyrosine derivatives as anti-biofilm compounds
- From electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer to sensor: feasibility study for the detection of Bisphenol A
- Synthèse de nouveaux monomères à propriétés rédox à morphologies contrôlées - Application pour des revêtements anti-salissures marines
- Développement de polymères à empreinte moléculaire électrochimique pour la surveillance en micropolluants organiques des eaux dans les ouvrages du Canal de Provence
- Synthèse de copolymères hybrides à base de poly(diméthylsiloxane) et de poly(méthacrylate de trialkylsilyle) pour revêtement anti-salissures marines
- Etude de l’adhérence de revêtements poudre appliqués sur substrats composites à matrice polymère
- Identification et caractérisation des exopolymères de biofilms de bactéries marines
- Implication des métabolites secondaires dans le contrôle du biofilm bactérien chez les macro-algues : Application à la lutte anti-biofilm.
- Amélioration de l’adhésion de revêtements épais sur acier : étude expérimentale et numérique
- Vieillissement thermohydrique et modélisation dans des composites modèle époxy/verre: Approche nanoscopique de l’étude des interphases
- Numerical models development to predict the composite’s materials behavior under aggressive environments
- Characterization and evaluation of primer formulations for bonding silicone rubber to metal
- Thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured bio-based epoxies by amphiphilic copolymer determined at local scale
- Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux polymères à empreinte ionique du nickel(II) par polymérisation en suspension inverse et par polymérisation par précipitation
- Etude du vieillissement en ambiance spatiale d’élastomères pour applications antivibratoires
- Synthesis of diblock copolymers by the RAFT process : Application for FRC/SPC hybrid marine antifouling coatings
- Etude et compréhension des modes d’expression des métabolites secondaires de la gorgone rouge de Méditerranée, Paramuricea clavata
- Symbiontes photosynthétiques de Petrosia ficiformis (Spongiaires) : Caractérisation et production de métabolites actifs en antifouling
- Revêtements polysilazane à activités antibactériennes
- Elaboration de matériaux hydrides nanostructurés à base de copolymères (méth)acryliques
- Utilisation de séquences RMN pour l’étude de diffusion de molécules dans des systèmes macromoléculaires nanostructurés contrôlés
- Study of Quorum Sensing in bacteria organized biofilm in light of the implementation of non toxic biocide
- Evaluation and valorisation of the elimination potential of natural and/or synthetic materials regarding metals from dinandies effluents
- Hydrolyzable silicone elastomers : new approach of antifouling coatings
- Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Biomimetic Sensors
- Study of the spatio-temporal dynamics of interactions between the surface microbiota and metabolome of the macroalga Taonia atomaria through a multi-omics approach
- Interphases in model epoxy/glass fibre composites: correlation between macro/nano properties and wet aging
- Acrylic-kaolinite composite hydrogels for controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers application
- Antifouling coatings based on amphiphilic networks
- Characterization of the metabolic production of marine biofilms. Towards an application to the study of complex biofilms in situ
- Bioinspired engineered microtopographies for the protection of marine devices against biofouling
- Synthesis and characterization of copper-imprinted polymers for the design of modified electrodes
- Epoxy vitrimer materials based on disulfide exchange chemistry : experimental study and modeling of the stress relaxation – application to composites reinforced by nanofibrillated cellulose
- Biofouling in the context of marine renewable energies: study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities and physical structuring parameters
- Study of interphases in self-repairing coatings based on lamellar nano-pigments
- Preparation of ion-imprinted polymers for the hydrometallurgical separation of Co(II) and Ni(II) ions: the effect of metal-chelator complexes on selectivity
- Development of a smart and durable joint for space applications
- Impact of environmental changes on interactions between marine bacterial populations within multi-species biofilms
- Structure-activity relationships of marine hemibastadure analogues
- Aging of silicone sealing systems in a water vapor environment: understanding the loss of material properties and defining new solutions
- Improvement and durability of mechanical performance of an eco-designed solution by large-scale additive manufacturing
- Study of marine biofilms as bio-indicators of seawater quality in costal Mediterranean environments
- Design of biosourced and self-healing protective coatings for the marine environment and studies of their durability
- Internal protection from steel tank corrosion with sustainable and innovative coating adapted for cathodic protection with impressed current
- Study of the mechanical and biomechanical performance of optimised and morphologically adaptable fins
- Impact of environmental changes on the interactions between marine bacterial populations within multi-species biofilms
- Development of transparent coatings based on hydrogel technology with antibiofouling properties for photobioreactors
- Molecular imprinted polymers used as Quorum Sensing inhibitors for marine anti-biofilm applications
- Study of marine biofilms as bioindicators of the chemical quality of seawater in the mediterranean coastal environment
- Raman spectroscopy analysis of micro and nanoplastics
- Synthesis and characterization of smart polymers for sustainable marine antifouling coatings
Permanent Members
- ARAGON Emmanuel
- CHAILAN Jean-François
- BELEC Lenaïk
- CULIOLI Gérald
- BARAQUET Claudine
- BERLIOZ Sophie
- BOTTZECK Olivier
- BRANGER Catherine
- BRESSY Christine
- BRIAND Jean-François
- BRISSET Hugues
- FAHS Armand
- JOLIFF Yoann
- MARTIN Isabelle
- PERRIN François-Xavier
- CRESPY Alain
- GEDOUX Brigitte
- FACHE Bernard
- TANGUY Brigitte
- RABAH Nadia
- MILANO Jean-Claude
- OSTRE Benjamin
- MERLEN Alexandre
- CATAO C.P. Elisa
- VANNIER Pauline
- AYE Mireille
- POLLET Thomas
- DUPUIS Aurélie
- PUZIO Kinga
- ANDJOUH Sofyane
- ABBAMONDI Gennaro Roberto
- KHEROUF Ouardia
- PERRAT Maude
- ELHADJ Yacoub
- CATAO Elisa
- WU Xuan
- LEIBL Nadja
- ZERIOUH Ouassim
- CARRIOT Nathan
- BESSETTE Sandrine
- EL FEKIH Sahar
- LENOIR Bryan
- RAMRAM Manar
- ESPINET Cédric
- ALVAREZ Lisa-May
- GENET Morgane
- DINESCU Sebastian
- PORTAS Aurélie
- LOUKIL Ahmed
- BESSETTE Sandrine
- TLILI Amal
- DINESCU Sebastian
- LOUKIL Ahmed
PhD Students
- COCLET Clément
- DEZANET Clément
- FAVRE Laurie
- GOZOUA Emmanuel
- HARB Manar
- HAYEK Mahmoud
- KACOU Alain
- MBA EKOMO Vitalys
- NGUYEN Mai Hong
- RIANO Lina
- RENE William
- AYE Mireille
- OUEINY Cynthia
- PHAN The Anh
- NGUEMA Ronald
- GEVAUX Laure
- GRARD Anthony
- XIE Qingyi
- PAIX Benoît
- GEORGESCU Elena-Bianca
- LEYOUMOU Yohane Douye
- VEDIE Elora
- ELOUARDI Youssef
- PRIME Anne-Hélène
- PORTAS Aurélie
- CARRIOT Nathan
- SALA Alexandre
- ZERIOUH Ouassim
- DO Thuy Linh
- GIOVE Alessio
- SORIANO Yolanda
- SERRANO Stéphane
- LUTZ Alexandre
- KANE Omar
- MOREAUX Gautier
- BARRE Abel
- KOUAHO Avi Kadjo Tanguy
- RAMRAM Manar
- CHAABI Yanis
- COURT Mélissa
- NANCEY Pierre-Marie
- NUNEZ Mélina
- DOMERG Morgane
- CHARLES Paul-Elie
- SERVULO Tobias
- MATALON Baptiste
- GRARD Anthony
- MANGIN Camille
- DUCLOUX Nouelig
- DERBALI Zakaria
- OUATTARA Ismaël Amara
- DEFRANCE Justine
- EL GHERIBI Nesrine
- KERLOCH Lionel
- NGUYEN Thi-Hong-Ngoc
- CASEZ Antton-Bixente
- COSSART Thibaut
- DINH NHU Chien
- ELHADJ Yacoub
- KULIK Tanya
- NGO Kim Thu
- NGUYEN Thi Lam
- SPATARELU Cataline-Paula
- AUDREZET François
- SOUBIROU Matthieu
- OUATTARA Ismaël Amara
- POUPIN Philip
- CARRIOT Nathan
- PHAM SY Hieu
- NGUYEN Thu Trang
- PHAM Thi Thuy Quynh
- DEVILLY Damien
- LEBEE Antoine
- DOAN Hoang Linh
- NGUYEN Vo Anh Thao
- THAI Thi Ha
- DO Thuy-Linh
- TRAN Bao Ngoc
- CESANA Fabien
- ALLORO Cyrielle
- CASSARA Alexandre
- EPEH EYENGUE II Maximilien Misericorde Junior
- KOUNDIO Tidiane
- LEZRAK Omar-Charif
- NGUYEN Hoai Nam
- PHAM Ngoc Khanh
- MANGIN Camille
- LOPEZ Julien
- RAMRAM Manar
- SEITE Axel
- KHEMICI Badr Eddine
- PHUNG Thi Thien Huong
- THAI Thi Ha
- DINH Thi Kim Hue
- NGUYEN Tien Dat
- BUI Cong Dai
- BOTEZ Razvan-Edward
- NEBLEA Elena-Iulia
- N’DRI Koffi Julien
- RAIS Islem
- EL BOUADI Oussama
- PHAN Thi Thuong Hoaï
- ABBURA Nathan
- SALEZ Loïc
- DINESCU Sebastian
- BOUT Hakim
- FERRE Lisa
- VERRECCHIA Alessandro
- ARAB Hanafi
- BERZOLLA Antoine
- DIALLO Mamadou Cherif
- TABARIES Camille
- DIENG Maimouna
- CREULY Nicolas
- CHELLI Tassadit
- OURARI Ghofrane
- SEJIL Elyece
- BELKHAMSSA Fatima-Zohra
- TAYEBI Lamisse
- ABIDATE Mohamed
- DUFRESNE Pierre-Yves
- BITAM Ilyas
- BOUIX Bénédicte
- TABARIES Camille
- CANGI Jérémy
- NEAGU Ana-Lorena
- NEBLEA Elena Iulia
- PAZART Chloé
- SMAILI Ahmed Khalil
- KOGUIA METCHOP Marvette Leriche
- BONJUS Alessia
- RAGOT Jessie
- ZOUTE Mathurin
- BALBO Dylon
- PECOURT Florient
- TESTA Valentina
- ROCHE Jessie
- RAGOT Jessie
- KOGUIA METCHOP Marvette Leriche
- SINGER Ahmad
- BOUIX Bénédicte
- MALANDA Drake Atique
- AMRHAR Rachid
- RABATEL Pierre-Gaël
- SAINT-POL Angèle
- MAUGEE Kilian
- RACHID Kawthar
- AUVARO Alyssa
- OPRICA Gabriela-Madalina
- USURELU Catalina-Diana
- BUVAT Lina
- SAMUEL Maximilien
Visiting Researchers
- SARBU Andrei
- CLARE Tony
- LECLERE Philippe
- EL HATTAB Mohamed
- NGUYEN Minh Ngoc
- CALLOW Maureen
- NGUYEN Dinh Lam
- SWAIN Geoffrey
- LETERME Sophie
- REGAN Fiona
- HALL Andrew
- PUCCI Monica Francesca
- THOMAS Olivier P.
- All members
- Doctoral School Sea & Sciences
- Engineer degree - SEATECH
- Master degree - Marine Biodiversity & Biomolecules (BIOMAR)
- Master degree - Advanced Materials & Environment (MAE)
- Bachelors’s degree (Licence) in Physics & Chemistry
- Technician in biological engineering (DUT)
Open positions
- 2 MF Mediterranean Maintenance Forum
- 6th Workshop on Biofilms/Biofouling & Antifouling
- 7th Workshop on Biofouling & Antifouling
- 8th Mediterranean Days of Young Researchers
- 11th Congress of the French-speaking Association of Microbial Ecology
- 18th ICMCF - International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
- 25th Science Festival (25ème Fête de la Science)
- Site maintenance
- Comparative effects of humid tropical weathering and artificial ageing on a model composite properties from nano- to macro-scale
- RAFT-synthesized polymers based on new ferrocenyl methacrylates and electrochemical properties
- Mahmoud HAYEK, awarded for his poster at 18th ICMCF
- Surface modification of silk fibroin fibers with poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(tributylsilyl methacrylate) via RAFT polymerization for marine antifouling applications
- Electroactive polyacrylates bearing linear conjugated systems based on EDOT moieties
- MAPIEM seminar
- Recrutement Assistant-Ingénieur en microbiologie
- Cystophloroketals A–E, Unusual Phloroglucinol–Meroterpenoid Hybrids from the Brown Alga Cystoseira tamariscifolia
- PhD position available
- MAPIEM seminar
- PhD thesis defense of Sofyane ANDJOUH
- PhD thesis defense of Ronald W. NGUEMA EDZANG
- MAPIEM seminar
- HDR defense - Pascal CARRIERE
- Recrutement : technicien formulations peintures
- Conference of Eric PAPON
- Damien REVEILLON, Best Poster Prize at 18th ICMCF
- ICCS20, topic : Durability of composites in humid environment
- Film Shooting in our lab
- MAPIEM seminar
- PhD thesis defense of Nesrine HARFOUCHE
- Conference of Dr Jin-Woo LEE
- Photo-oxidative degradation behavior of linseed oil based epoxy resin
- PhD thesis defense of Laurie FAVRE
- Biofouling & Antifouling V
- PhD position available in "Surface functionalization"
- Campagne de recrutement ATER 2017
- Richard GUILLONNEAU, awarded at "My PhD in 180s", Toulon
- Conference of Pr. BOYER : Design of Functional Polymers for Advanced Applications
- MAPIEM seminar
- Workshop on algae at Porquerolles island
- Screening of bromotyramine analogues as antifouling compounds against marine bacteria
- Assistant Engineer in Material Science
- Invited Conference: Photoinduced processes for polymer patterning and surface modification
- Election of "PhD students and temporary staff" representatives from the MAPIEM laboratory
- Spatio-temporal variations of marine biofilm communities colonizing artificial substrata including antifouling coatings in contrasted coastal environments
- Workshop : Biotechnologies bleues, pour qui, pour quoi ?
- Job opportunity : Technician in Paint Formulation and Materials Science
- Laure GEVAUX, competes in "La Recherche fait son show"
- Special Issue, “Biofouling and Antifouling”, call for publications
- Conference : Pr Sophie Leterme - Microbial and planktonic investigations of South Australian environments
- Detection of Bisphenol A in aqueous medium by screen printed carbon electrodes incorporating electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymers
- Science Festival (Fête de la Science)
- PhD thesis defense of Vitalys MBA EKOMO
- PhD thesis defense of Richard GUILLONEAU
- PhD thesis defense of Mahmoud HAYEK
- A turn-on fluorescent ion-imprinted polymer for selective and reliable optosensing of lead in real water samples
- MAPIEM seminar
- PhD thesis defense of Lina RIANO
- An ABAQUS™ plug-in for the geometry generation of Representative Volume Elements with randomly distributed fibers and interphases
- Post-doc position in marine fouling management in the field of Marine Renewable Energy
- I. Castro, E. Védie & G. Culioli will compete at The Research Show
- Article about the research of J-F BRIAND on the UTLN website
- Chemical accident simulation
- MAPIEM seminar
- Multispecies Biofilm Development of Marine Bacteria Implies Complex Relationships Through Competition and Synergy and Modification of Matrix Components
- Best Poster Award for Nathan CARRIOT
- Conference of Mats R. Andersson : Anti-biofouling : Selective copper uptake and release in seawater
- Special Issue: Synthesis and Antifouling Applications of Polymer Films and Coatings
- MetaSUD 2019 Symposium
- National Congress of Research of IUT - CNRIUT’2019
- Conference of Prof. THOMAS, "Marine Biodiscovery in Ireland"
- Temporal covariation of epibacterial community and surface metabolome in the Mediterranean seaweed holobiont Taonia atomaria
- PhD thesis defense of Emmanuel GOZOUA
- PhD thesis defense of Clément COCLET
- Conference of M. Pucci "Development of bio-sourced composites by direct methods: Study and modification of the interfaces during impregnation"
- Science Festival (Fête de la Science)
- PhD thesis defense of William RENE
- PhD thesis defense of Laure GEVAUX
- Conference of Ian Nicholls, "Biomimetic thin films and nanoparticles - some fabrication strategies and applications"
- PhD thesis defense of Alain KACOU
- PhD thesis defense of Manar HARB
- PhD thesis defense of Anthony GRARD
- MAPIEM seminar
- Alexandre SALA and Nathan CARRIOT will compete at "My PhD in 180s"
- Elora VEDIE will compete at the semi-final of "My PhD in 180s" in Paris
- PhD offer - Antifouling coatings based on amphiphilic networks
- Hydrolyzable Additive-Based Silicone Elastomers: A New Approach for Antifouling Coatings
- PhD Prize - Richard GUILLONNEAU
- PhD thesis defense of Benoît PAIX
- Job offer : Analytical Chemistry Scientist
- Award of the Best Oral Presentation for Elora VEDIE
- Master 2 training : Antifouling coatings characterization
- Job offer : Analytical Chemistry Scientist
- Relation between the corrosion resistance and the chemical structure of hybrid sol-gel coatings with interlinked inorganic-organic network
- Special Issue: Impact and Management of Marine Biofouling
- Quorum sensing in biofilms: a key mechanism to target in ecotoxicological studies
- Focus on SUCHIMED : A researcher studies marine pollution in the Mediterranean sea with biofilms
- Seminar of Dr Jean-Michel Brunel
- Multiscale investigation of the effect of sizing chemistry on the adhesion and interfacial properties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites
- PhD thesis defense of Alexandre SALA
- Science Festival (Fête de la Science)
- Job offer : Engineer Assistant in Biology
- PhD thesis defense of Sigrid ASSENGONE OTOGO BE
- PhD thesis defense of Manar RAMRAM
- Press release : ABIOP+ project
- Catherine BRANGER rewarded as "Distinguished Member" of the SCF
- PhD thesis defense of Aurélie PORTAS
- Seminar of Benjamin OSTRE
- Job offer: Engineer in Analytical Chemistry
- Christine BRESSY is the new director of MAPIEM lab
- Seawater copper content controls biofilm bioaccumulation and microbial community on microplastics
- Student Poster Award for Morgane Domerg at SmallSat conference
- Long-lasting biofouling formation on transparent fouling-release coatings for the construction of efficient closed photobioreactors
- Conférence - Nouveaux revêtements antifouling sans biocides : une transition vers l’éconavigation
- PhD thesis defense of Alessio GIOVE
- PhD thesis defense of Yolanda SORIANO-JEREZ
- Attendance on the 18th Scientific and Industrial Days of the Mediterranean section of the French Polymers Group (GFP) in Sophia Antipolis
- "Raman spectroscopy investigation of magnesium oxide nanoparticles" article wins the Outstanding Student Paper Awards of 2023 in the Physical Chemistry category of Royal Society of Chemistry editor
- Proposition de mini-colloque pour les Journées de la Matière Condensée 2024 à Marseille du 28 au 31 octobre : Physical Chemistry of plastics pollution: detection and analysis of micro- and nano-plastics, degradation mechanisms, interaction with environment and life
- Seminar of Pr Melissa Brown
- Seminar of Pr Melissa Brown