Laboratoire MAPIEM (UR 4323)

Matériaux Polymères Interfaces Environnement Marin

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Physical Chemistry and Durability of Materials

Physical Chemistry and Durability of Materials
The activity of the Physical Chemistry and Durability of Materials group focuses on the study and development of heterogeneous materials, whether reinforced composites (fibers or fillers polymer reinforcement) or different types of assemblies (polymer-metal, polymer-polymer…etc). Our group is particularly interested in the ageing of these heterogeneous structures in harsh environments, with an emphasis on interfaces/interphases and the design of sustainable materials and protective coatings.

Skills and expertises :

  • Polyaddition
  • Thermoset and vitrimer engineering
  • Synthesis of nanocomposites and o-i hybrids
  • Functionalized nanostructured materials
  • Functionalization of fillers
  • Multi-scale studies
  • Interphase characterization
  • Electrochemical characterization
  • Advanced spectroscopies
  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Numerical modelling

Scope / main fields :

  • Structural composites
  • Biobased composites and coatings
  • Smart materials
  • Ageing in harsh environment
  • Anticorrosive coatings
  • Metal-polymer assemblies
  • Microplastics

Interfaces / Interphases Ageing (IIA)

Interfaces / Interphases Ageing (IIA)

Presentation The ambition of IIA research topic is to develop new ageing methodologies and analyses at different (…)


Design of Materials and Sustainable Structures (DMSS)

Design of Materials and Sustainable Structures (DMSS)

Presentation The second research topic concerns the design of sustainable materials used for example in the field (…)


Anticorrosion Systems (ACS)

Anticorrosion Systems (ACS)

Keywords Protective coatings; multifunctional pigments ; hybrid coatings; smart coatings ; self-healing; marine (…)


Mechanical Structures & Human-structure interaction (MSH)

Mechanical Structures & Human-structure interaction (MSH)

The mechanical behavior control of structures or products, allows to optimize them to meet the specific requirements (…)
