Laboratoire MAPIEM (UR 4323)

Matériaux Polymères Interfaces Environnement Marin

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Evaluation and valorisation of the elimination potential of natural and/or synthetic materials regarding metals from dinandies effluents

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Supervisor: BRANGER Catherine
Co-Supervisor: LENOBLE Véronique (Laboratoire PROTEE)


Brassware is among the most economically profitable Morocco’s industrial activities, but this craft is producing effluents that are very contaminated in Ni, Ag, Cu or Zn. For the moment, these effluents are not depolluted and are straight released in the nearby river. Fes city is directly concerned by this pollution, as already demonstrated by previous work on Oued Fes and Oued Sebou (Hayzoun et al., 2014; Hayzoun et al., 2014). These contaminated effluents are not only a direct threat for the environment but also represent a major problem for Fes water treatment plant, as Ni is dramatically toxic for the biological treatment within.
The objectives of this PhD are therefore to validate the use of natural Morocco solids (clay and diatomite) in Ni and Ag adsorption, but also of ion-imprinted polymers dedicated to Ni, in order to promote local resources or high-added value materials, as a remediation pathway for the effluents before the water treatment plant.

Evaluation and valorisation of the elimination potential of natural and/or synthetic materials regarding metals from dinandies effluents
