Laboratoire MAPIEM (UR 4323)

Matériaux Polymères Interfaces Environnement Marin

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PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis

Find all the PhD Thesis of MAPIEM:

Ongoing PhD Thesis:

NameTitleSupervisor(s)Researh ThemesDates
DOMERG Morgane Development of a smart and durable joint for space applications

Supervisors: JOLIFF Yoann, OSTRE Benjamin

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: October 2022

NUNEZ Mélina Improvement and durability of mechanical performance of an eco-designed solution by large-scale additive manufacturing

Supervisors: JOLIFF Yoann, OSTRE Benjamin

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: October 2022

ALGOURDIN Pauline Study of the mechanical and biomechanical performance of optimised and morphologically adaptable fins 

Supervisors: JOLIFF Yoann, OSTRE Benjamin

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: September 2022

GOURLAOUEN Elliot Antifouling coatings based on amphiphilic networks

Supervisors: BRESSY Christine, MARGAILLAN André, NOBLET (LEJARS) Marlène

Biofilms & Antifouling - Antifouling Surfaces (AFS)

Beginning: March 2022

SERRANO Stéphane Design of biosourced and self-healing protective coatings for the marine environment and studies of their durability

Supervisors: CARRIERE Pascal, BERLIOZ Sophie, Emmanuel Richaud - Laboratoire PIMM de l’ENSAM, Hajjoul Houssam - Laboratoire MIO

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: November 2021

BARRE Abel Study of marine biofilms as bio-indicators of seawater quality in costal Mediterranean environments

Supervisors: BRIAND Jean-François, BOUCHUCHA Marc (IFREMER, Laboratoire LERPAC)

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: October 2021

LUTZ Alexandre Impact of environmental changes on the interactions between marine bacterial populations within multi-species biofilms

Supervisors: MOLMERET Maëlle, BARAQUET Claudine

Biofilms & Antifouling - Molecular Aspects of the inhibition of marine Biofilms (MAIB)

Beginning: October 2020

LEMARCHAND Mathieu Molecular imprinted polymers used as Quorum Sensing inhibitors for marine anti-biofilm applications

Supervisors: BRANGER Catherine, ORTALO-MAGNE Annick

Beginning: October 2023

SERVULO Tobias Study of marine biofilms as bioindicators of the chemical quality of seawater in the mediterranean coastal environment

Supervisors: BRIAND Jean-François, CATAO C.P. Elisa

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: October 2024

DEWYSPELAERE Lucie Raman spectroscopy analysis of micro and nanoplastics

Supervisors: MERLEN Alexandre

Physical Chemistry and Durability of Materials - Interfaces / Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: October 2024

MATALON Baptiste Synthesis and characterization of smart polymers for sustainable marine antifouling coatings

Supervisors: BRESSY Christine, IBRAHIM Farah

Chemistry of Functional Polymers - Polymers for Marine Antifouling Systems (PMAS)

Beginning: November 2024

Former PhD Thesis:

NameTitleSupervisor(s)Researh ThemesDates
NANCEY Pierre-Marie Internal protection from steel tank corrosion with sustainable and innovative coating adapted for cathodic protection with impressed current

Supervisors: PERRIN François-Xavier, ARAGON Emmanuel

Durability & Functional materials - Anticorrosion Systems (ACS) & Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA) &ERIPOLE

Beginning: January 2022 Defence: 17 December 2024

RAMRAM Manar Aging of silicone sealing systems in a water vapor environment: understanding the loss of material properties and defining new solutions

Supervisors: BELEC Lénaïk, PERRIN François-Xavier, CHAILAN Jean-François

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: April 2021 Defence: 11 July 2024

GIOVE Alessio Preparation of ion-imprinted polymers for the hydrometallurgical separation of Co(II) and Ni(II) ions: the effect of metal-chelator complexes on selectivity

Supervisors: BRANGER Catherine

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Beginning: November 2019 Defence: 19 April 2024

SORIANO Yolanda Development of transparent coatings based on hydrogel technology with antibiofouling properties for photobioreactors

Supervisors: BRESSY Christine

Biofilms & Antifouling - Antifouling Surfaces (AFS)

Beginning: February 2020 Defence: 16 April 2024

DO Thuy Linh Study of interphases in self-repairing coatings based on lamellar nano-pigments

Supervisors: PERRIN François-Xavier, BELEC Lenaïk, ARAGON Emmanuel

Durability & Functional materials - Anticorrosion Systems (ACS)

Beginning: October 2019 Defence: 20 December 2023

PORTAS Aurélie Biofouling in the context of marine renewable energies: study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities and physical structuring parameters

Supervisors: BRIAND Jean-François, CULIOLI Gérald, QUILLIEN Nolwenn (FEM)

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: October 2019
Defence: April 12th, 2023

KOUAHO Avi Kadjo Tanguy Structure-activity relationships of marine hemibastadure analogues

Supervisors: BLACHE Yves

Biofilms & Antifouling - Molecular Aspects of the inhibition of marine Biofilms (MAIB)

Beginning: February 2021
PhD project stopped in 2022

ASSENGONE OTOGO BE Sigrid Interphases in model epoxy/glass fibre composites: correlation between macro/nano properties and wet aging

Supervisor: CHAILAN Jean-François
Co-supervisor: FAHS Armand, BELEC Lenaïk

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: March 2018
Defence: December 13th 2022

SALA Alexandre Synthesis and characterization of copper-imprinted polymers for the design of modified electrodes

Supervisors: BRANGER Catherine, BRISSET Hugues, MARGAILLAN André

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Beginning: November 2018
Defence: October 3rd, 2022

ELHADJ Yacoub Acrylic-kaolinite composite hydrogels for controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers application

Supervisors: PERRIN François-Xavier

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Defence: 10 December 2021

VEDIE Elora Bioinspired engineered microtopographies for the protection of marine devices against biofouling

Supervisors: BRISSET Hugues, BRESSY Christine, BRIAND Jean-François

Biofilms & Antifouling - Antifouling Surfaces (AFS)

Defence: 03 December 2021

CARRIOT Nathan Characterization of the metabolic production of marine biofilms. Towards an application to the study of complex biofilms in situ

Supervisors: CULIOLI Gérald, ORTALO-MAGNE Annick

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: November 2018

GEORGESCU Elena-Bianca Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Biomimetic Sensors

Supervisors: BRISSET Hugues

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Defence: 07 Octobre 2021

CASTRO CABRERA Isis Epoxy vitrimer materials based on disulfide exchange chemistry : experimental study and modeling of the stress relaxation – application to composites reinforced by nanofibrillated cellulose

Supervisors: CARRIERE Pascal, BERLIOZ Sophie, FAHS Armand

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: December 2018
Defense: Septembre 13th, 2021

PAIX Benoît Study of the spatio-temporal dynamics of interactions between the surface microbiota and metabolome of the macroalga Taonia atomaria through a multi-omics approach

Supervisor: CULIOLI Gérald
Co-supervisor: BRIAND Jean-François

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: November 2016
Defense: September 17th, 2020

HARB Manar Biofilm formation and c-di-GMP signaling in Shewanella oneidensis

Supervisor: MOLMERET Maëlle
Co-supervisor: BARAQUET Claudine

Biofilms & Antifouling - Molecular Aspects of the inhibition of marine Biofilms (MAIB)

Defence: 22 January 2020

GRARD Anthony Characterization and evaluation of primer formulations for bonding silicone rubber to metal

PERRIN François-Xavier, BELEC Lénaïk, SOSSON Franck (SMAC)

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: October 2016
Defense: December 17th, 2019

KACOU Alain Structure activity relationship study of marine bromotyrosine derivatives as anti-biofilm compounds

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-supervisor: YAPI Ange Désiré

Biofilms & Antifouling - Molecular Aspects of the inhibition of marine Biofilms (MAIB)

Beginning: November 2015
Defense: December 12th, 2019

GEVAUX Laure Hydrolyzable silicone elastomers : new approach of antifouling coatings

Supervisors: MARGAILLAN André, BRESSY Christine, NOBLET (LEJARS) Marlène

Biofilms & Antifouling - Antifouling Surfaces (AFS)

Beginning: October 2016
Defense: October 8th, 2019

RENE Wiliam Development and characterization of polymer and composite materials for the detection of metal cations. Application: monitoring of the water quality in Toulon harbor

Supervisor: BRANGER Catherine
Co-supervisor : ARAB Madjid (IM2NP)
Co-supervisor: LENOBLE Veronique (Laboratoire PROTEE)

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Beginning: November 2015
Defence: October 4th, 2019

COCLET Clément Reciprocal impacts between microbial community and trace metal contamination in a highly contaminated area: the Toulon Bay (France)

Supervisor: GARNIER Cédric (laboratoire PROTEE)
Co-supervisors: BRIAND Jean-François, MISSON Benjamin (laboratoire PROTEE)

Biofilms & Antifouling - Microbial & Chemical Ecology of marine Biofilms (MCEB)

Beginning: October 2015
Defence: June 26th 2019

GOZOUA Emmanuel Study of Quorum Sensing in bacteria organized biofilm in light of the implementation of non toxic biocide

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves

Biofilms & Antifouling - Molecular Aspects of the inhibition of marine Biofilms (MAIB)

Beginning: December 2015
Defence: June 2019

RIANO Lina Numerical models development to predict the composite’s materials behavior under aggressive environments

Supervisor: JOLIFF Yoann

Durability & Functional materials - Interfaces/Interphases: Ageing and Adaptability (IIAA)

Beginning: November 2015
Defense: December 2018

MBA EKOMO Vitalys From electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer to sensor: feasibility study for the detection of Bisphenol A

Supervisor: BRANGER Catherine
Co-supervisor: BRISSET Hugues

Axis 1

Beginning: October 2014
Defence: 12/07/2018

HAYEK Mahmoud Characterization of Shewanella woodyi Quorum Sensing systems and its role in the adhesion and biofilm formation of this bacterium

Supervisor: MOLMERET Maëlle
Co-supervisor: BLACHE Yves, BARAQUET Claudine

Axis 2

Beginning: October 2015
Defence: 17/05/2018

GUILLONNEAU Richard Diversité des interactions microbiennes au sein de l’environnement marin: de biofilm multi-spécifique à multi-organismes

Supervisor: MOLMERET Maëlle

Axis 2

Beginning: October 2014
Defence: 02/05/2018

DEZANET Clément Synthesis of an enzymatically biohydrolyzable tripartite beta-D-glucomonomer and RAFT polymerization to develop a marine antibiofilm self-polishing coating

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-supervisor: BRESSY Christine

Axis 1 & 2

Beginning: April 2015
Defense: 27/04/2018

NGUYEN Mai Hong Développement de nanostructures tridimensionnelles organiques aux interfaces physico-chimiquement contrôlées afin de modéliser le vieillissement des interphases organique-inorganique : utilisation de sondes fluorescentes et d’analyses locales AFM

Supervisor: CHAILAN Jean-François
Co-supervisor: CARRIERE Pascal

Axis 3

Beginning: February. 2012
Defense: 19/12/2017

FAVRE Laurie Bacterial biomarkers characterization by metabolomic analysis in marine biofilms

Supervisor: CULIOLI Gérald
Co-supervisor: ORTALO-MAGNE Annick

Axis 2

Beginning: November 2013
Defence: 28/03/2017

CAMPOS Monica Thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured bio-based epoxies by amphiphilic copolymer determined at local scale

Supervisor: CARRIERE Pascal

Axis 3

Beginning: January 2017

HARFOUCHE Nesrine Effet du matériau composite à base de polyaniline sur le comportement électrochimique de la masse cathodique de la pile au bioxyde de manganèse et sur les revêtements anticorrosion

Supervisor: PERRIN François-Xavier
Co-supervisor: NESSARK Belkacem

Axis 3

Beginning: 2014
Defence: 14/12/2016

ANDJOUH Sofyane Conception de revêtements antifouling respectueux de l’environnement : synthèse et étude des relations structure-activité d’analogues de produits naturels marins

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves

Axis 2

Beginning: 2012
Defence: January 29, 2016

NGUEMA Ronald Synthèse de nouveaux monomères à propriétés rédox à morphologies contrôlées - Application pour des revêtements anti-salissures marines

Supervisor: BRISSET Hugues
Co-supervisor: BRESSY Christine

Axis 1

Beginning: November 2012
Defence: January 27, 2016

ELOUARDI Youssef Evaluation and valorisation of the elimination potential of natural and/or synthetic materials regarding metals from dinandies effluents

Supervisor: BRANGER Catherine
Co-Supervisor: LENOBLE Véronique (Laboratoire PROTEE)

Durability & Functional materials - Ion and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (IMIP)

Beginning: November 2015 Defence: Novembre 2020

AYE Mireille Caractérisation du système de communication Quorum Sensing de bactéries marines isolées de la rade de Toulon.

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-supervisor : MOLMERET Maëlle

Axis 2

Beginning: 2011
Defence: March 20, 2015

OUEINY Cynthia Development of self-healing protective coatings based on MWCNT/ceria/polyaniline ternary composites as active pigments

Supervisor: PERRIN François Xavier

Axis 3

Beginning: October 2011
Defence: December 16, 2014

PHAN The Anh Synthèse de polyaniline en systèmes micellaires : application à la protection des métaux

Supervisor: PERRIN François-Xavier

Axis 3

Beginning: 2010
Defence: December 12, 2014

UDOMSAP Dutduan Développement de polymères à empreinte moléculaire électrochimique pour la surveillance en micropolluants organiques des eaux dans les ouvrages du Canal de Provence

Supervisor: BRISSET Hugues
Co-supervisor: BRANGER Catherine

Axis 1

Beginning: 2011
Defence: November 14, 2014

DUONG The Hy Synthèse de copolymères hybrides à base de poly(diméthylsiloxane) et de poly(méthacrylate de trialkylsilyle) pour revêtement anti-salissures marines

Supervisor: MARGAILLAN André
Co-Supervisor:} BRESSY Christine

Axis 1

Beginning: 2010
Defence: May 27, 2014

LAFABRIER Aurore Etude de l’adhérence de revêtements poudre appliqués sur substrats composites à matrice polymère

Supervisor: CHAILAN Jean-François
Co-Supervisor: ARAGON Emmanuel

Axis 3

Beginning: 2011
Defence: March 11, 2014

BRIAN-JAISSON Florence Identification et caractérisation des exopolymères de biofilms de bactéries marines

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-Supervisor: ORTALO-MAGNE Annick,

Axis 2

Beginning: 2010
Defence: February 6, 2014

OTHMANI Ahlem Implication des métabolites secondaires dans le contrôle du biofilm bactérien chez les macro-algues : Application à la lutte anti-biofilm.

Supervisor: CULIOLI Gerald
Co-Supervisor: BRIAND Jean-François

Axis 2

Beginning: 2010
Defence: january 20, 2014

TCHOQUESSI Madeleine Amélioration de l’adhésion de revêtements épais sur acier : étude expérimentale et numérique

Supervisor: PERRIN François-Xavier
Co-supervisors: ARAGON Emmanuel, BELEC Lenaik, JOLIFF Yoann

Axis 3

Beginning: 2010
Defence: October 22, 2013

NGUYEN Thanh Hoi Vieillissement thermohydrique et modélisation dans des composites modèle époxy/verre: Approche nanoscopique de l’étude des interphases

Supervisor: CHAILAN Jean-François
Co-supervisor: BELEC Lénaïk

Axis 1

Beginning: December 2009
Defence: July 10, 2013

MEOUCHE Walid Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux polymères à empreinte ionique du nickel(II) par polymérisation en suspension inverse et par polymérisation par précipitation

Supervisor: MARGAILLAN André
Co-Supervisor: BRANGER Catherine

Axis 1

Beginning: 2009
Defence: December 21, 2012

SMITH Meryll Etude du vieillissement en ambiance spatiale d’élastomères pour applications antivibratoires

Supervisor: CHAILAN Jean-François
Co-supervisor: BERLIOZ Sophie

Axis 3

Beginning: November 2009
Defence: November 13, 2012

NGO Van Giang Elaboration de matériaux hydrides nanostructurés à base de copolymères (méth)acryliques

Supervisor: MARGAILLAN André
Co-Supervisor: BRESSY Christine

Axis 1

Beginning: 2005
Defence: december 12, 2012

LEJARS Marlène Synthesis of diblock copolymers by the RAFT process : Application for FRC/SPC hybrid marine antifouling coatings

Supervisor: MARGAILLAN André
Co-Supervisor: BRESSY Christine

Axis 1

Beginning: 2009
Defence: October 22, 2012

PENEZ Nicolas Etude et compréhension des modes d’expression des métabolites secondaires de la gorgone rouge de Méditerranée, Paramuricea clavata

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-Supervisor: CULIOLI Gerald

Axis 2

Beginning: 2008
Defence: July 11, 2012

BENDAOUD Amina Symbiontes photosynthétiques de Petrosia ficiformis (Spongiaires) : Caractérisation et production de métabolites actifs en antifouling

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-Supervisor: BRIAND Jean-François

Axis 2

Beginning: 2008
Defence: June 6, 2012

NGUYEN Thi Dieu Hang Revêtements polysilazane à activités antibactériennes

Supervisor: PERRIN François-Xavier
Co-Supervisor: NGUYEN Dinh Lam (Danang University, Vietnam)

Axis 1 & 3

Beginning: 2008
Defence: December 15, 2011

RAMANANARIVO Zomalala Utilisation de séquences RMN pour l’étude de diffusion de molécules dans des systèmes macromoléculaires nanostructurés contrôlés

Supervisor: MARGAILLAN André
Co-Supervisor: CARRIERE Pascal

Axis 3

Beginning: 2007
Defence: September 15, 2011

CAMPS Mercedes Bio-essais anti-adhésion sur des bactéries marines pour le criblage de molécules et de revêtements antifouling

Supervisor: BLACHE Yves
Co-Supervisor: BRIAND Jean-François

Axis 2

Beginning: 2007
Defence: June 24, 2011